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Thread: New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  1. #761
    New Member Angela Wolff's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello to everyone,
    While researching moon photography techniques I discovered CiC's tutorial on Lens Diffraction and I was hooked. CiC has the perfect combination of interesting photos and impressive tutorials. I'm looking forward to spending time here when I'm not behind a camera!
    New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  2. #762
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    Patrick Cesar

    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello! My name is Patrick Cesar, a photographer and graphics designer, I am also a trick photographer enthusiast – fond of learning trick photography and photo editing effects from Evan Sharboneua. I really love to do fun stuff like creating cool and amazing photo images out from the images of my own DSLR camera. Though I am not that really good in trick photography, I always find a way to create fun and cool stuff on the images I captured from my camera.

    Thanks for accepting me here in the community! I really love to learn more about photography!

    Here's a photo about trick photography for those who are not yet very familiar with it. Also, this happens to be one of my favorite images! --- New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

    Also, I'm starting to like in here already! The user environment on the website is very friendly! I am now starting to learn where and how to add, remove and everything here!

    Let me just upload my avatar.
    New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  3. #763
    New Member
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    Patrick Cesar

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello! My name is Patrick Cesar, a photographer and graphics designer, I am also a trick photographer enthusiast – fond of learning trick photography and photo editing effects from Evan Sharboneua. I really love to do fun stuff like creating cool and amazing photo images out from the images of my own DSLR camera. Though I am not that really good in trick photography, I always find a way to create fun and cool stuff on the images I captured from my camera.

    Thanks for accepting me here in the community! I really love to learn more about photography!

    Here's a photo about trick photography for those who are not yet very familiar with it. Also, this happens to be one of my favorite images! --- New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

    Also, I'm starting to like in here already! The user environment on the website is very friendly! I am now starting to learn where and how to add, remove and everything here!

    Let me just upload my avatar.
    New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  4. #764

    Join Date
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi, I too came upon this learning community while looking for info on how to properly photograph the moon (and Jupiter) last night. My mission failed last night but I know I'll do better next time as I'm already learning from others here. I just retired from a long military career in Canada and am now a hobby photography enthusiast learning to appreciate winter for what it is - a chance to get some "cool" photos. I look forward to learning from those with more experience. Stu
    New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  5. #765
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello and welcome Ernesto, Angela, Patrick and Stu.

    Quite a spread from Baja California, up to San Diego, across to Miami and up to Ottawa. A bit of a spread in temperatures, too

    I do hope you enjoy being a part of this learning community, and I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Best wishes,


  6. #766
    knotmirai's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi everyone,

    My name is Knot. I am Thai. Now I am living in Japan.
    Thank you for a tutorials. They was great and helped me a lot.

    Nice to meet you all.


  7. #767
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by knotmirai View Post
    My name is Knot. I am Thai. Now I am living in Japan.
    Hello Knot and welcome to the CiC forum. Thank you for joining. I hope you dind it both useful and enjoyable.

  8. #768
    New Member
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi, My name is Bill. I enjoy photographing landscapes and wildlife with my new Canon EOS 5D Mark III.
    I hope to take advantage of the expertise on these forums to improve my skills.

  9. #769
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by capo17 View Post
    Hi, My name is Bill. I enjoy photographing landscapes and wildlife with my new Canon EOS 5D Mark III.
    I hope to take advantage of the expertise on these forums to improve my skills.
    Hello Bill. Indeed, lots of expertise, but, just as importantly, lots of enthusiasm and a desire that we should all help each other to learn. So, I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.

    So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.

  10. #770

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi everyone,

    I live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. I am newly retired from my job, as a art historian. Right now I'm at the airport waiting to catch a flight to Calgay, AB to participate in a workshop on long exposure photography and to attend the Alberta Photo Festival. I am a landscape photographer. Most here are wildlife photographers because many would say that there is no landscape to look at! It is short grass prairies and wetlands, but it's beautiful!

    I shoot with a Nikon D600.

    Thanks! I look forward to participating.

    Last edited by SaskBabe; 6th February 2015 at 08:41 PM. Reason: Add

  11. #771
    New Member haslo's Avatar
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    Guido Gloor Modjib

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi all I got the photography bug a couple of years ago, with a PEN E-P3. Made lots of photographs with it, and I absorbed everything I could about the technical and scientific aspects of it, and foundations of composition and photography as a fine art. Cambridge in Colour's tutorials definitely helped loads in getting me up speed with lots of these things.

    I kept acquiring new lenses, eventually switched to an OM-D E-M5, and my focus in reading about photography shifted towards more composition, history of photography, the role of photography in our culture, and I always seek to refine my images. I feel that I'm nowhere near where I want to be, too.

    I'm a software architect by trade, and since I didn't find what I really wanted in terms of photography website, I started building a photography blogging platform that goes by the name "glodjib platform" (meant to be eventually customizable for whoever wants it to use, with templates and whatnot), and blogged about the process on that very same platform, gallery integration, and more importantly, integration of social media and photography channels like Flickr, Twitter, Facebook etc. The project fell asleep eventually. Who knows, I might wake it up some time again, but I'm not counting on it. I mostly use my Flickr page for sharing my photos now.

    An interlude about where I live that should give me an excuse to post a photograph: I live and work in Bern, Switzerland, which looks like this:

    New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

    My E-M5 got stolen about half a year ago, and I used a Nikon D60 for a while, with just a kit lens. I barely shot any images during that time. I think I also didn't know what I wanted to do with my photography, and that stopped me from developing images (I call it "developing" when I finalize an image with Lightroom, Photoshop, Photomatix etc., not "post-production", because I feel that it's an integral part of producing the image itself and not something that happens after the fact) - because I didn't know whether I want to hold back my images and look to commercialize them or just share with everybody, or find a middle ground.

    A few weeks ago now, I got an OM-D E-M1, and I can use all my lenses again - and, more importantly, I feel right at home with the camera itself again. The controls, the menu, the possibilities, the image quality - it's all right where I want it to be again, and I feel like I have the technique out of the way and can focus on shooting again.

    I started a project 365 now, and joined a couple of Flickr challenges on top (115 pictures in 2015, Project Flickr). Because I like the way my photography looks on Ello, I document my project 365 primarily there, in my Ello stream. This project 365 should help me find out what my style is, and where I want to go with my photography.

    Why did I join the Cambridge in Colour community? Because I want feedback from peers I tried out, which kind of almost nearly worked but then they wanted money from me. I get lots of inspiration from Flickr. I'm a bit scared of 500px (where I also have a profile) because the quality there is so high, but I should probably start sharing there as well because I did occasionally get awesome feedback there. While attempting to find my own voice, I also want to know what others like and don't like about my images, and how I can improve them.

    In other words: Hi everybody, I'm Guido, and I'm addicted to photography

  12. #772
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Guido, I think you will like it here. Lots of great feedback and suggestions. There is a wide rang of experience here from people that are just getting started to those that have been at it all their lives.

  13. #773
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi! My name is Pat. I spend half the year in Nova Scotia and the other half in Florida. I spend a lot of time reading photography related items on the internet. I discovered CiC through one of the tutorials. It looked like an interesting site so I have joined.

  14. #774
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by SaskBabe View Post
    Hi everyone,

    I live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. I am newly retired from my job, as a art historian. Right now I'm at the airport waiting to catch a flight to Calgay, AB to participate in a workshop on long exposure photography and to attend the Alberta Photo Festival.
    Hello and a very warm welcome to the forum. Be very interested to read your comments about the workshop you're attending.

    Great to have you here.

    So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.

  15. #775
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by haslo View Post
    In other words: Hi everybody, I'm Guido, and I'm addicted to photography
    Hello from me also, Guido.

    If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.

  16. #776
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by sailor smb View Post
    Hi! My name is Pat. I spend half the year in Nova Scotia and the other half in Florida.
    That seems like a pretty good idea.

    Hello, Pat and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy being involved.

  17. #777
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi, Getting out and about with a camera is new to me.Been retired some years now,fancied a new challenge and interest.
    Was recomeded CIC and hope to learn and improve. Have Canon 70d and Sigma 18-200 but have been warned if the bug bites
    who knows. Cheers, Stan.

  18. #778

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Welcome aboard and look forward to seeing you a lot .

  19. #779
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Good Morning to all. My name is Ken and I am joining you from Bacolod City Philippines where I ma currently living. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and learning as much as I can. Have a fantastic day!!


  20. #780
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by KDunlop View Post
    Good Morning to all. My name is Ken and I am joining you from Bacolod City Philippines where I ma currently living. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and learning as much as I can. Have a fantastic day!!

    A nice warm welcome to CiC...We have a few Filipinos around here...I hope you enjoy your stay...

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