Exactly, Bob. Practice, practice, practice. Then practice some more. It's the only way to do it.
Great to have you here. Thanks for joining. I hope you enjoy it.
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Hi my dear peers
My name is Prem and i come from a beautiful island called Sri Lanka, my love for photography started back in 2003 with a Kodak DX3900 point and shoot. i have slowly evolved my collection to now a Canon 6D. i love taking portraits especially my two beautiful girls (6 yrs and 1 yr) but since recently i also am trying to master my skills in interior photography. i am hoping to broaden and share my knowledge with my peers at CIC.
wish me luck.
Hi everyone, I'm Will. I'm looking forward to learning more about one of my obsessions! :)
Hi, My name is Lynn and I live in Boksburg, South Africa. I started photography about 3 years ago, purely from boredom I guess. My kids grew up and I suddenly had all the time in the world. I always wished I could paint, I would look at beautiful sunsets or see an image and wished I could duplicate that into a painting. So I started taking photos instead, Ibought a D3100. My husband has a rugby fan page and for many years would get accreditation and go to games and write articles and do the scoring. Well he thought it a good idea when I bought the camera to take photos and the rest is history. It has been hard as the technical stuff still boggles my mind and I wish I could take the photos the pros do. So I am hoping to really learn from others and grow as a sports photographer.
Welcome to CiC Will...just jump in any of our ongoing conversation and make friends with us. Post some images and questions that you think befuddles your mind and someone will always be here to answer them. Looking at and analyzing images is one way of learning too especially if you read the comments and tips and advice freely offered by members here. No matter how simple or how sometimes you think your question/s seems basic to you, many of us came from the same place of beginnings and learned by observing and asking questions.
This is a learning community as well as a friendly community too...take advantage of it...
I hope you enjoy your time while you are here with us...
Hi there
my name is Adam and I have just joined CIC. I've spent years with compact cameras but at the same time had a desire for a bit more, I often looked at DSLRs but always decided I probably wouldn't carry one around. At the end of last year I bought a Panasonic GX7 (compromise; much improved IQ etc. but still very portable)
I've been very happy with it but sometimes I hit situations where I don't know what to do to get the right shot. Basically I feel the need to learn more and the best way it to do this is by using real world examples and getting help.
I read some of the tutorials and looked at some of the forums here on CIC. CIC looks like a friendly and helpful site. I probably shouldn't mention it but I've looked at some other photography forums e.g. dpreview where I was amazed and put off by the amount of trolling going on, I wouldn't want to post there as I might get put off photography for life.
You do indeed, Prem. A place I love, but have not seen for 12 years. Where on the island do you live?
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the CiC forum. I hope you enjoy being involved.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
That's wonderful Lynn. Lots of ready-made photo opportunities.
Anyway, it's great to have you here. I hope you find being part of this forum both useful and enjoyable.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Unfortunately, a lot of people have. Thankfully and in the main, we've managed to remain free of that sort of stuff. Any sign of it is immediately blasted.
I'm very glad you've decided to join this forum, Adam. I hope you enjoy it. As for your GX7, that is a very good bit of kit. Don't know if you've seen the thread about per hates that's running at the moment. Luckily we don't get the 'I've got the biggest/best/fastest/highest quality gear in the world so I'm better than you' brigade on here. If we did, they'd get blasted to. It's not what gear you have. It's how good you are using it that matters.
Hello, my name is Reverend Kate Jones. I made my living as a traditional and digital commercial photographer in California for 40 years. I predominantly worked as a product photographer in the Alcohol Beverage Industry. My standard film camera was a Nikon F2. I shot Mamiya RZ 67 (perfect format) for Magazine covers and Ads. I added a Kodak/Nikon DCS460 to the studio to help meet deadlines. It worked flawlessly. I went to work with Minolta and wrote their color training program for digital copiers. Today I am retired, and have become an Ordained Minister. I shoot a Nikon Df (brings back good memories) and have a D810 in my sights. My focus is now on wildlife...just for FUN!
Hello Kate and welcome (I hope we don't have to call you Reverend Jones :) )Quote:
Hello, my name is Reverend Kate Jones
It sounds like you have a varied and interesting career, so I hope you'll be able to share that experience in the forums. On the other hand, there are some hot shot wildlife photographers here who might have some hints in that department. Learning and sharing is what we are all about, so feel free to jump straight in.
It would be good if you could update your profile and put in your real name (what you want to be called), and where you are in the world. That way, it will appear alongside all your posts. This is a friendly place, and it's nice to know where everyone is in the world.
Best wishes,
Hello to all,
I'm Janko, from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Photography has been one of my main interests (hobbies) since film days, long ago. With the start of the new millennium I switched to digital photography. At the moment my equipment consists of a DSLR camera with a few lenses and accessories.
Mostly I do nature, landscape, and architectural photos, including close-up and macro.
I found "Cambridge in Colour" accidentally while searching in the internet. It seems to me a very interesting site with lots of creative members, and I'm hoping to learn a lot of new techniques and tricks in conversations on this forum.
Hello all
When I tried to join this forum about a month ago I realised I had already joined last August and then forgotten about it. I've looked back and it seems I didn't introduce myself then, so here it is, a little bit late.
I'm currently working Switzerland surrounding by beautiful scenery which is often hidden behind mist and cloud.
I started out many years ago with a Fuji Finepix F10 compact, worked my way up through the F30, F80 to the F660 which is currently the camera I always have on me. A couple of years ago I bought the HS30 (also Finepix) which was my first baby step up from a compact but while it takes great pictures, it doesn't offer the flexibility I was hoping for. So I'm now trying to get to grips with the Nkon D5300.
I take lots of photos of the moon but sometimes of other things as well and I originally found this site while looking for tutorials.
Thank you for having me on board :)
Hey guys, whats up? I'm a photographer based in Macaé, RJ, Brazil and just got invited by a coworker to pass by and learn more about photography. Hope to interact often enough. :) Later, Marcelo.
Hi, I'm getting back into photography after after approx 40 yrs. Lots of new technology to deal with, but eager to learn.
Looking forward to interacting with all the fine folks here at Cambridge. Hope to post some photo's in the near future and
get involved in the competitions. Looks like a lot of fun.
My name is Mick. I have loved and studied photography and related sciences most of my life. I own a fine art print lab and enjoy exploring the various technologies and concepts related to fine art printing and photography. However, while I have a passion for photography, I rarely photograph, as I often feel creatively constipated.
A question which has me stumped currently is why we need subset colour working spaces i.e.While I understand that colour working spaces are subsets of the visible gamut of colour designed to serve a particular group of processes, why can the spectrum locus not suffice as the one and only colour space to which all software and equipment refers? I hope someone in this forum will have some thoughts on this.
Thanks very much,
Just like quite a few of us on here, myself included. So you're in good company.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.