Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi from Bourbon, Indiana, USA. I'll keep this short, just in case I am doing it wrong.
I am 58 years old. Married to my second wife for almost 30 years. I retired two years ago to start a new career. In May I hope to graduate as a Registered Nurse. Been behind a camera for about 50 years now. Someday I hope to figure out what I am doing. I use mostly Canon equipment.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am relatively new to photography and have learnt most of what I know from CiC, both from the tutorials and the forums.
I enjoy all aspects of photography, aiming to improve my technique in capturing and post processing.
Welcome, Alan. Thank you for deciding to sign up to the forum. I hope that, now you are 'in', you find the CiC resource even more useful. At least now you;re able to post up pics, ask questions and join in the discussions.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi from Bourbon, Indiana, USA. I'll keep this short, just in case I am doing it wrong.
I am 58 years old. Married to my second wife for almost 30 years. I retired two years ago to start a new career. In May I hope to graduate as a Registered Nurse. Been behind a camera for about 50 years now. Someday I hope to figure out what I am doing.
You've done it just fine, Tom. Great to have you here.
I'm sure there's a lot of experience in those 50 years behind the camera and I hope you'll share some of it with others on here.
And, of course, all good wishes for a successful completion of your studies and embarking on a new career.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello dear photographers,
My first name is Chris and I live close to Louvain in Belgium. My greatgrandfather was a photographer and it was a family tradition to have an interest in the art of photography. I am doing my best to live up to this tradition and to encourage my grandchildren to the medium of photography. Joining this community I hope to find help with practical problems and to learn from others. I strongly believe in photography as a form of art as well as a documentary tool.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I stumbled across this forum a few days ago and glad I did. I hope to learn more about techniques and editing. I'm sure, like anyone here I too love photography. My goal is to improve my techniques and editing. Many years ago I purchased elements 7 but ended up refusing to really embrace it because it was too time consuming to learn at that time in my life. Last year I started reading and learning more on how to take better photos and though I have improved, I still have much, much to learn. A few months ago I decided to MAKE myself learn elements and purchased 13. My goal now is to learn how to use elements and then move to light room. And of course to continue to improve my photography skills.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Chris M
Hello dear photographers,
My first name is Chris and I live close to Louvain in Belgium. My greatgrandfather was a photographer and it was a family tradition to have an interest in the art of photography. .... I strongly believe in photography as a form of art as well as a documentary tool.
Welcome to the forum, Chris.
It is good that you are encouraging your grandchildren towards an interest in photography. I too believe that photography is an art form as well as a recording tool.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum and that you find it useful.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I stumbled across this forum a few days ago and glad I did. I hope to learn more about techniques and editing. I'm sure, like anyone here I too love photography. My goal is to improve my techniques and editing. Many years ago I purchased elements 7 but ended up refusing to really embrace it because it was too time consuming to learn at that time in my life. Last year I started reading and learning more on how to take better photos and though I have improved, I still have much, much to learn. A few months ago I decided to MAKE myself learn elements and purchased 13. My goal now is to learn how to use elements and then move to light room. And of course to continue to improve my photography skills.
Lisa - It is a pleasure to welcome you to the forum. I'm very glad you found us.
Thne whole reason for the existence of this site (the forum and the tutorials) is to help people learn. And one way of doing that is to ask all those questions that you want answers to. On here you will find lots of people more than willing to spend time answering and explaining. We're not like some other forums on which if you seem to not know all the answers, you can be treated very poorly and rudely. Everyone has to learn and the day you stop learning is the day to give up.
Hope you enjoy being part of CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am new on here and hope to learn from your experiences to improve my photography, I have had for a few years a Canon 350D but only used the easy side for taking pic's, unfortunately this broke down on me and I upgraded to a Canon 550D and I began to explore taking photo's using more manuel side so decided to invest in a Canon 70D which came with a 18-55 STM lens also bought a Tamron 70-200 lens and a canon 70-300 lens, I need help with certain aspects of my photography...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am new on here ... I need help with certain aspects of my photography...
Well, this is the place to get it.
Hello and welcome. Thanks for joining the forum. This is the sort of place where you can ask questions without fear of feeling stupid or that you should know the answer already. Everyone on here was once at the same stage in their learning that you are now at. So, dive in.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
First post. I just bought a Nikon D5200 with the kit lens.
I have an old 300mm f4 Nikkor coming, as well as a new 35mm f1.8 for a prime lens.
I'm really excited. I should have done this years ago!
I am 59. Back in high school I had a Minolta SRT101 plus a Vivitar 85-205, as well as a darkroom in the basement with an Omega B22. Good times!
Since going digital many years ago, I have been working with a little pocket camera, a Minolta DiMAGE G400.
I have had a Pbase account for many years, not because I am a serious photographer, but I liked the layout and was willing to pay to host my photos.
I'm looking forward to having a place to ask questions!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I am Balakoteswara Rao Pulipaka, Balu Pulipaka for short or Balu for even shorter and of course, much easier to use! I am from Hyderabad, India. I am a rank amateur in photography and can't wait to learn as much as I can about it. I am really glad I discovered this Forum and look forward to being here as much as I can.
My primary interests lie in nature and wildlife photography. My current equipment comprises Canon D 1100, a Sigma 70-300 zoom, Canon 18-55 and the Canon Nifty Fifty. Other accessories include a sturdy tripod, a monopod, flash, remote wireless shutter trigger.
I also sketch wildlife with pencil on paper when I find the time from work. My job as a Bureau Chief at The Times of India in Hyderabad keeps me pretty busy but I escape to the nearby Amrabad Tiger Reserve when I get a chance. I have been involved with Tiger conservation in that reserve for about 30 years now, either as a volunteer or through my reporting.
Great to be here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone. I live in Nairobi and new to this forum and still learning more about it. I am a photography enthusiast and a new photography student. The only problem is that I have no DSLR and my compact does not satisfy my needs anymore. So if you guys get any leads please help a sister out :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I'm looking forward to having a place to ask questions!
Good. I'm glad about that, Rob.
Great to have you here and I hope you enjoy being part of the forum. And hold on to that excitement. It'#s what makes this so much fun.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Balu Pulipaka
Hi, I am Balakoteswara Rao Pulipaka, Balu Pulipaka for short or Balu for even shorter and of course, much easier to use! I am from Hyderabad, India. I am a rank amateur in photography and can't wait to learn as much as I can about it. I am really glad I discovered this Forum and look forward to being here as much as I can.
Hello Balu, and welcome to the CiC forum. I'm very glad you have joined and hope you find it useful. I hope that you will find that there are always many people very willing to help your learning by answering questions, offering advice and guidance and commenting on your pi9ctures.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone. I live in Nairobi and new to this forum and still learning more about it. I am a photography enthusiast and a new photography student. The only problem is that I have no DSLR and my compact does not satisfy my needs anymore. So if you guys get any leads please help a sister out :)
Hello. First thing is, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
You may not have a DSLR yet, but remember you can still learn the art and craft of photography with a compact camera.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi,I am Olayinka Dele, I live in Finland. I love taking pictures but I want to learn how to take more professional shots. I hope to learn from this forum as I know very little about professional photography. Im interested in nature and low light.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi,I am Olayinka Dele, I live in Finland. I love taking pictures but I want to learn how to take more professional shots. I hope to learn from this forum as I know very little about professional photography. Im interested in nature and low light.
Hello Olayinka and welcome to the CiC forum. I have taken the liberty of adding your first name and your location into your profile so that they appear alongside your posts on the forum and so others know how to address and know where you live.
I hope you enjoy being part of this forum and that you find it helpful in your learning.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello All
My name is Niki, live in Worcester (the Faithful City) and am totally new to DSLR photography.
Bought a Nikon D3200 with a kit lens - and then discovered that, due to my interest in wildlife and the countryside in general, I needed a telephoto lens. Have now bought a second hand Nikon AF-S DX 55-300 which I took out for a walk today with the dog and got some reasonable shots but to be honest I really don't know what I am doing!
I would be so grateful for any advice you could give on, for example, what websites to use for having my pictures developed at reasonable cost, and also if any of you can recommend picture editing software which doesn't cost the earth. The camera obviously came with ViewNX2 - is this a good start for a total beginner like me?
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Niki, live in Worcester (the Faithful City) and am totally new to DSLR photography.
Hi Niki, and a very warm welcome to CiC.
Lots of questions, which is just what we do here. First, have you read the tutorials here on CiC? If you haven't yet then do - they will give you a good grounding in dslr photography, and indeed, photography in general. If you have specific questions just go ahead and ask - the only dumb question is the one you don't ask :). We're not too worried about which forum you ask in, either.
The software that comes with the camera is a pretty good starting point. Some find FastStone or Picasa meets their needs (both free), after that there are loads of choices - just find your feet for now.
I assume that by develop you mean prints you can hold in your hand. You could start with the high street, such as Boots or Max Spielman, depends what you have in Worcester. There are lots of "professional" services, too, and it's not that hard to do your own. Depends what you want, and how good your original is, of course.
One last thing, could you update your profile to say where you are in the world, and your "real" name (edit: Niki G is fine). It's friendly, and it helps with specific advice.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi my name is Gary and I am a newbee here as you can see. I am recently retired and still felling things out. I have at least 3 other hobbies to keep me busy. I am still trying fit in Photography. I only do outdoor shots as I hate to being inside anyway. I have all the equipment that I bought the last 2 years of work Most are L lenses buy Canon. I recently had to buy a CANON 28-135MM F/3.5-5.6 72mm for a high end filter that I had that no one wanted to buy. All the lenses that I have are 77mm. So I decided to make this a dedicated lens for this filter. So there you have it. I will be post when I have more info to share. I like this site. Lots info here. Have a great day enjoy the great outdoors and enjoy your camera. Gary B...