Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Originally Posted by
HI,I am Pierre-Marie, living in France. ... So many things to learn, I am happy to join the group. Here an exemple of my pictures.
Hello Pierre-Marie. I am very happy to welcome you to this forum.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
If you ever need any help in getting images posted into your message, then please do read the helpful guide that walks you through how to do it. Click HERE to read the thread.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, my name is Connie, and I live in Michigan, just below the thumb. The artist inside of me came out when I was a very young child and my creativity has been forever changing throughout my life; drawing, painting, poetry and photography are interchangeable components of who I am and who I am becoming.
Hello, Connie and thank you for choosing to join this group. I hope you find it both helpful and enjoyable. For some people, photography is a technical exercise and for some it is an artistic endeavour. There are people who take both approaches here on CiC,
I've just started doing a BA (Hons) in Photography and the tone of the course is very clear in the first course reader we have - 'The Photograph as Contemporary Art (3rd edition)', Charlotte Cotton. Thames & Hudson, 2014.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all! Just signed up and looking forward to some fresh discussion. I've been a member of another forum for years, and for a while now I've wished I could find another forum with experienced photographers that I can learn even more from. The other forum wasn't bad, but it's good to get a new perspective.
I haven't been all around the site yet, but I love that right in the header it state's "A Learning Community for Photographers". I love learning more about doing the thing I love doing.
As far as what I photograph... I may still do some non-corporate portrait work every once in a while, but if I'm getting paid it's usually corporate (head shots, green screen, office environment), small business, restaurant shoots, etc. This is because I have integrated it into my freelance design. I may do the occasional portrait shoot if it falls into my lap, but I'm never really comfortable doing it. I feel there are MANY other photographers that more capable for non-business portraits than me.
What I really enjoy is grabbing my gear and heading out. I don't care if it's urban, forest (although, I do have a thing for waterfalls), landscape, cityscape, whatever... I just yearn to sit in the quiet, take it all in, and start composing. Also, many times, I think I enjoy the post-processing almost as much as sitting out there photographing.
So, anyway, thanks for reading. Looking forward to learning a lot more from everyone!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Jeff Blakemore
Hi all! Just signed up and looking forward to some fresh discussion. I've been a member of another forum for years, and for a while now I've wished I could find another forum with experienced photographers that I can learn even more from. The other forum wasn't bad, but it's good to get a new perspective.
Hello, Jeff and welcome to the CiC forum. Thanks for deciding to join.
By all accounts (I wouldn't know because this is the only forum I'm part of), this is a bit different from other forums in that it is, as you seen, a learning forum. No-one is on here to boast about great they are or how much wonderful gear they have (if they do they tend not to stay for too long).
It is about a bunch of enthusiasts trying to help each other get as much out of photography as they want. To that end, your knowledge and experience being available to others will be every bit as important as what you might pick up to support your learning.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi...I am a new forum member. I joined this forum because I am currently starting a new photographic project without any professional photographic experience. I hope you can assist me.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi...I am a new forum member. I joined this forum because I am currently starting a new photographic project without any professional photographic experience. I hope you can assist me.
Hello Robert and welcome to the CiC forum.
First thing - we don't know where you are. If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
I hope you find this forum a place where you can learn. That is its underpinning purpose. If you have specific questions, then go to the part of the forum that seems most appropriate; e.g. 'Digital Cameras & Equipment' and just start up a new thread with your question. Also, if you haven't done so, have a look at the tutorials on the site. You'll find the answer to an awful lot of questions in there.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone. My username orewakazuo means I am Kazuo in Japanese slang. Still using my original Nikon D40, nearly 8 years old, and still learning. Added Nikon 35mm f/1.8 and a Tamron 18-200mm to the kit lens, as well as 5-sided reflector and basic speedlight. Love trying different types of photography, and always looking to enhance post-processing skills with PS/LR.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone. My username orewakazuo means I am Kazuo in Japanese slang. Still using my original Nikon D40, nearly 8 years old, and still learning.
Hello, Kazuo and welcome to this forum. Thank you for joining.
When the D40 was launched it received very highly rated reviews. If it was a good camera then, it is still a good camera now. As we always say, it's not the came3ra that makes great pictures, it's the person using it.
I hope you enjoy being part of this forum and find it helpful.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Greetings from Germany to all CiC members, my name is Marc, i've been registered here back into 2012, but i've never logged into here since then...i'm into photography as a hobby since my teenage days, many rolls have been undeveloped back then because of costs in that time period. I do mostly like to shoot statues, architecture (a bit), landscape / nature, the fall and winter season...sadly, we haven't had a real winter here since 2010/11 back then...and i'd guess because of the climate change, we won't ever the next years...i shoot with various cams, do also have FF, but mostly like older and LowFi gear, that means inexpensive see what i could get out of it.. :)
One of my small Website....
Always good Light,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
doomed forever
Greetings from Germany to all CiC members, my name is Marc, i've been registered here back into 2012, but i've never logged into here since then...
Hello Marc. It's a pleasure to welcome you back onto the forum. It is indeed 3 years to the day (December 13th 2012) since you last posted. I hope you are able to stay involved this time and enjoy being part of CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello Marc. It's a pleasure to welcome you back onto the forum. It is indeed 3 years to the day (December 13th 2012) since you last posted. I hope you are able to stay involved this time and enjoy being part of CiC.
Greetings Donald,
you're welcome. I've never checked onto the exactly registering Date here...i entered a few times the mini competitions, monochrome then back into 2012...and read the Tutorials here.
But it does make fun here, and ppl seem to be friendly. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello/Ca va/Marhaba!
I must confess I have been using CiC since three years and it helped me in every corner of my photography skills but, I never bothered to be part of community due to business.
Now, I am here and ready to be part of it... I will have challenges and I hope every one will help me .
with best regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I must confess I have been using CiC since three years and it helped me in every corner of my photography skills but, I never bothered to be part of community due to business.
Now, I am here and ready to be part of it... I will have challenges and I hope every one will help me.
Hello, Khurram and welcome to the forum.
From your observations, you will know how the forum works and about the sort of exchanges that people on here have with each other. I think you will find that people will be very happy to share knowledge and experience in trying to answer any questions that you may have.
I look forward to seeing your pictures.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Donald!
Thanks for warm welcome. I hope I will find a way other wise I am confident about HELP window is always there. For the time being I will be very interested in knowing about competitions. When they happen, how they work, and how to be part of them.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Donald!
Thanks for warm welcome. I hope I will find a way other wise I am confident about HELP window is always there. For the time being I will be very interested in knowing about competitions. When they happen, how they work, and how to be part of them.
There are two strands of competition.
The main monthly competition is explained in my opening thread at the beginning of each month. It states that each person is allowed to submit one picture. This competition is an opportunity for members to submit what they consider to be their highest quality image taken in the month of the competition. For instance, the December competition is the current competition at this time.
The Mini Competitions are less competitive and exist to encourage people who perhaps don't wish to enter the Monthly Competition, to submit one entry per competition. The process is automated. Whenever 10 pictures are p0osted in a thread a poll is automatically generated and and new thread with the next competition, is started.
In both strands of competition, members are not allowed to vote for their own image.
So, please do join in.
If you ever need any help in getting images posted into your message, then please do read the helpful guide that walks you through how to do it. Click HERE to read the thread.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I have submitted my entry into monthly competition.
Thanks for encouragement.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Members!
Please visit my 1st album DEPTH on CiC.
I would like to accept critique as much as appreciation.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Cambridge in Colour!
I am new here,
but I dare to ask you for advice.
I am standing for wanting to buy a Nikon Tilt lenses
but I have doubts and I am should buy Nikon PC-E 24mm or PC-E 45mm,
I do not mean there the big difference on quality and sharpness,
but where is the benefit of it rather than the other.
Could there be some who could give good advice on that?
Thanks in advance if some were to be able to give good advice.
Anders Dam
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Welcome, your question on the PC lenses might better be asked in the Nature and Architecture forum. It would help to know what you plan on shooting. If it's interiors the wide angle would be most suitable outdoors, perhaps the 45mm but in some places in Europe space is tight and the WA would work better. Think Trevi fountain in rRome.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Anders Dam
Hello Cambridge in Colour!
Hello Anders. Welcome to the forum.
As you can see immediately above this message, you've already had a response to your question. As suggested, it is better to post questions in the appropriate section of the forum. By doing so, the maximum number of people will see it and be able to respond.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.