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Hi to all Cambridge in Colour members world wide, I am one of your newest members and I thought I would just like to introduce myself and give you a little information about myself.
We emigrated to Canada 33 years ago from Yorkshire in England, and now live in Niagara on the Lake, in Canada, which I must admit, is a photographers paradise if you are interested in landscape photography.
Photography is just one of my hobbies, so I have to admit to not spending as much time as I would like, indulging myself in this wonderful hobby. I took up photography just before we left England, but my passion for he hobby has really only intensified over the last couple of years.
I would say that I have a reasonably good understanding of the basic photographic skill sets used by most basic amateur photographers, but I do lack in the finer skill sets and techniques used by professionals and advanced amateurs. I use a Canon 5D MK II, and I am in the process of building up an arsenal of quality lenses. I currently own a couple of L series lenses, namely the 16-35mm wide angel zoom and the 24-105mm mid range zoom, plus I also own an EF 70-300 (non L series) lens.
In addition to a general love of photography (if it moves, shoot it, even if it doesn't move, shoot it) I enjoy landscape photography, plus I have a budding desire to get into Bird/Wildlife photography. with this in mind, I recently ordered the new Tamron 150-600mm zoom, which is taking much longer to arrive than I would like (seven weeks and counting).
I play around with basic post processing, but really need to upgrade my P.P. skills. Problem is, I’m getting to the age where my capacity for learning new tricks is some what limited, so I anticipate that my future in the field of post processing will be limited, even though I own PS CS5, lightroom and Aperture. I will probably continue to utilize the very basics of these programs, without taking full advantage of their true capabilities.
That's a quick info download on my background. I can tell you that I'm looking forward to reading the posts in this forum, as well as learning from what I'm sure is a wealth of knowledge and experience within the membership of this forum.