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Thread: New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  1. #641
    New Member Sherman's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here


    My name is Herman, and I am pleased to join this community. I would like to ask some specific questions on using Wide Angle 10-20 Sigma lenses, as I've been having some difficulty with flash coordination. Please share some advice to some pics I am posting to set an example on the kind of results I am currently getting (too dark or underexposed areas around the subject). I use SB-600 speedlight external.


  2. #642
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi Herman,

    You should probably post your question seperately in the forums.

    Generally, when using flash with very wide angle lenses the flash illuminates the center but falls off at the outside.

    Your lens has an angle of view of 102.4° - 63.8° and the SB-600 flash has an angle of illumination of 73° to 23° (24 to 85mm in 35mm format) 114° (14mm) with included wide angle adapter.

    You will need to use the wide angle adapter that came with the flash and even then it might leave some dark corners.

  3. #643

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    My name is Patrick and I live in Sydney - Australia that is!
    I have found this forum while searching the web as have just received a polarising filter for Christmas. I have considerable experience professionally at a technical level and a teacher with light and electron microscopes. Using polarising microscope seems a little different to using them on the camera. There we rotated the specimen.
    In my early days we never bought processing chemicals, but made them up from first principles. Our 'film' was small glass plates from Ilford. How time changes much!
    I have an immediate question: should I remove the UV filter when using the polarising one? I see the P-lens does filter out some UV.
    PS The filter I have is a Hoya CIR-PL 62mm.

  4. #644
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    UV is not so much of a problem in the digital domain. You should remove it when using the polarizer. There is no need for two additional air/glass surfaces.

    I believe that microscopy uses a lot of cross polarization where the desire is to keep the two polarizers aligned to each other. Hence moving the subject is the best way to deal with it.

  5. #645
    New Member Sherman's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Thank you, I appreciate it.

  6. #646
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    I have considerable experience professionally at a technical level and a teacher with light and electron microscopes.
    Hi Patrick, that takes me back to the seven years I spent in University studying metallurgy, which involved plenty of optical and electron microscopy. And plenty of wet darkroom time to develop the images. Must be a lot easier and quicker nowadays (I left the field after University)


  7. #647
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    hello CIC friends i am Dianna and a beginner, So i hope to learn a lot from you guys. I take my camera almost everyday with me. I use a Pentax KX.. My goals for up comming year is to do street photography, it has to be a 52project. I have never done streetphotography, its realy new for me so it will be a challange for myself because i am verry shy. I hope to learn a lot off portraitphotography here. I love nature and animal photograpy an hope my photo`s will be much better next year. This is the first forum I am on and hope to get a lot off feedback

  8. #648
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi my name is Nur, I came from Indonesia. I am new Photography as well and I have Nikon D40x but still confuse how to get a sharp picture from that. Please give me advise so I can improve my self. Thank you

  9. #649
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    My name is Brian from a very cold Ireland.Just starting out with a Nikon 3200,hoping to get some helpful tips.

  10. #650
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by boneye View Post
    hello CIC friends i am Dianna and a beginner, So i hope to learn a lot from you guys. I take my camera almost everyday with me. I use a Pentax KX.. My goals for up comming year is to do street photography, it has to be a 52project. I have never done streetphotography, its realy new for me so it will be a challange for myself because i am verry shy. I hope to learn a lot off portraitphotography here. I love nature and animal photograpy an hope my photo`s will be much better next year. This is the first forum I am on and hope to get a lot off feedback
    Welcome to CiC, Dianna...this is a learning forum so dig in and show us what you got. And don't be shy -- no one is looking at you anyway. (Did I say that?!?!?) We get to know one another via our posts and responses to other's posts too, so even if you are unable to look at a photo post for critique, comment on them others too so we can get to know how you think, what you see and that is part of the learning process -- and of course, human relationship which we have plenty of here. Come join us in our journey as we will with you.

  11. #651
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi everyone. My name is Derek. Hmmm, a little about me? I am a 19 year transplant to the US from, yes you've guessed it, the UK! I've been interested in photography for a number of years, buying an original Olympus OM in Hong Kong way back in 1980 or so. Sadly that camera, like many others I have purchased, went into early retirement as I flitted between other sports, hobbies and life in general. I now own an Olympus OMD EM5 and a Stylus 1 and hope that I can stick to this hobby and start to learn a little. I consider myself a complete beginner and rely on Auto mode too much. I enjoy taking photo's of wildlife and scenic views and just shoot what I feel at the time looks interesting.
    I look forward to trying to learn more about photography however this old dog finds it harder and harder to take on new information and keep it in the old noggin! Best wishes for 2015.
    Last edited by peoriabrit; 31st December 2014 at 09:34 PM.

  12. #652
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello Everyone! My name is Richard. I have just recently moved to Chicago. For the past few decades I have worked and lived in Singapore and Jakarta. I had been using point and shoot for years, but last year I bought a Canon 70D and some lenses and attended a couple of photography classes. And I would like to increase my photographic skills and horizon. Looking to hook up with friends who are more familiar with shoots around Chicago areas. My contact email is: Thanks.

  13. #653
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Rick, the easiest way to get help around here is to fill in your profile first so we know where you are from and also the name you would like to be referred to. Because later on, we will not know anymore because we really do not really recall all of the member's names here by heart all the time. Some of us just do not want to remember because it is another task for oldies like me to do so.

    If you want to make friends, respond to some of the posts here and join us. We are all very informal here apart from some stick in the mud ones, who very rarely exists in our world here. Laugh with us, cry with us and share your shots with us. It does not matter what sort of camera you have. The most important here is to learn.

    Welcome to CiC.

    Quote Originally Posted by rickht View Post
    Hello Everyone! My name is Richard. I have just recently moved to Chicago. For the past few decades I have worked and lived in Singapore and Jakarta. I had been using point and shoot for years, but last year I bought a Canon 70D and some lenses and attended a couple of photography classes. And I would like to increase my photographic skills and horizon. Looking to hook up with friends who are more familiar with shoots around Chicago areas. My contact email is: Thanks.

  14. #654
    RhondaH's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi, my name is Rhonda. I've always loved photography but it's something that I take up and put down... recently though, passion is renewed and I've been looking for pictures everywhere and taking photos almost every day. I tend to photograph the sky and whatever is natural around me and my pets. I am interested in being more intentional with my photos and disciplining myself to learn better techniques. I hadn't thought about joining a forum, but I came across CiC when I was beginning to explore copyrights. I don't have a high quality camera - I've been using a Kodak EasyShare Z612 digital camera. I'll look around and orient myself before I begin posting my images. I'm looking forward to seeing where this can take me.

  15. #655
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by RhondaH View Post
    Hi, my name is Rhonda. I've always loved photography but it's something that I take up and put down... recently though, passion is renewed and I've been looking for pictures everywhere and taking photos almost every day. I tend to photograph the sky and whatever is natural around me and my pets. I am interested in being more intentional with my photos and disciplining myself to learn better techniques. I hadn't thought about joining a forum, but I came across CiC when I was beginning to explore copyrights. I don't have a high quality camera - I've been using a Kodak EasyShare Z612 digital camera. I'll look around and orient myself before I begin posting my images. I'm looking forward to seeing where this can take me.
    Hi Rhonda - welcome to CiC. You'll find that there are quite a few Canadian members on this site (including me).

    Please poke around as CiC is a great place to learn and get feedback on your work. Don't get too hung up on your camera; most the the quality of a picture is the result of the person operating the camera knowing what they are doing compositionally and technically. I started out with a point & shoot and progressed into more complex gear, as I ran into the limits of what my camera would let me do.

  16. #656
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi Rhonda,

    I don't know the Kodak at all but, there is a lot to producing images that is independent of the specific camera. All of them have basic functions, some will allow you to do more or less but the fundamentals of the image and your use of the light is what makes a difference.

    Perhaps at some time you will begin to see limitations in the equipment you have but your best route to improvement is to first find your own limitations, once you have these under some degree of control (not conquered) you will be able to see where new gear might be worthwhile.

    The real joy of photography is finding beauty and capturing it within the bounds of yourself and your equipment. You will always know what you were seeing when you took the picture. Your goal should be to show that to your viewer.

  17. #657
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Saorsa View Post
    your best route to improvement is to first find your own limitations
    Yes! Thank you Brian! I know there are features on my camera I have never used. I tend to worry most about orienting my subject in the vertical and horizontal but I miss angles and light... I know I have a lot to learn. I looked around last evening and I noticed how photos are posted and then the conversation begins. I think I like that. Now, deep breath, and take the plunge!

  18. #658
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    most the the quality of a picture is the result of the person operating the camera knowing what they are doing compositionally and technically.
    Hi Manfred! This is exactly what I'm after! I'm looking forward to becoming aware of what I haven't been aware of before and being able to articulate what the difference is in my technique. I liked what I saw in the forum posts I read last evening. As I said to Brian, deep breath! And take the plunge!

  19. #659
    RhondaH's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    I find that I'm in need of help... I am having difficulty understanding the forum structure, as in where to post... I'm just wanting to post an image or two to start a conversation about what I can pay attention to in order to improve. I don't understand much of the terminology being used - I've been taking pictures for a long time, but without any education so I'm still a beginner. Can you recommend please, where I should post my nature / agricultural style photos for critique? I am very grateful for the assistance.

  20. #660
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello Rhonda, and a warm welcome to CiC

    Lots of new members struggle to do this at first, but once you get the hang of it you'll be fine.

    The place to post your photos is in the "Nature and Architecture " forum, but don't worry about it so much, we are a pretty relaxed bunch here.

    There is a guide here. HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?

    If you've read it and it still doesn't make sense, come back and tell us where you get stuck, and one of us will talk you through it.



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