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Hi everyone. Sorry, but I just felt the need to write something here. I recently joined CiC and probably made a "Pho-pah" (please excuse the almost pun) in including a photo in my first introductory post.....although I thought I read it was permissible to do so. I also included, as part as my "brief introduction" my present camera's as I see other's have done and which, I personally, find very helpful as it shows who I may be able to ask for specific issues if I should run into problems. Anyway, I amended my first post but cannot help but feel that despite being assured that everyone is friendly, it does seem that some responders are somewhat "critical" of what others feel they wish to, or do not wish to, include. I can certainly see the benefit of people filling out their profile's and I am sure it is frustrating to all of the "old hands" to keep repeating themselves, but maybe people might be more inclined to post more frequently if the "welcome" has more "ing" to it! Just a thought. I certainly am not looking to start any arguments. Just an observation. I thing CiC is a great site with tons of information and the tutorial's are great. I even tried entering a mini competition and have enjoyed seeing the great photo's members have been taking and posting. I only hope to improve to their standards and I hope this post doesn't get me thrown off the forum as I hope to continue to learn and hopefully "meet" more people. Derek