Hi there - Just wanted to say hello and look forward to exploring all the wonderful features of this site/forum.
Hi there - Just wanted to say hello and look forward to exploring all the wonderful features of this site/forum.
Hello to you all: my name is Leon Pryce from Jamaica. I have always wanted to indulge in photography but I just got my very own point and shoot. I am now trying to get to know my camera and doing research on how to take some professional photos. I am glad to find CIC where I can learn and get advice on improving my craft.
Hello Thom and a very warm welcome to the forum. I hope it goes some, if not all, the way to meeting your photographic needs for knowledge and information. If you do have questions, please just call out. There's always someone on here who will be able to provide an answer ... or at least an educated guess! And it's only by asking that we learn.
Just joined, just saying "Hi"
I've used CiC tutorials in the past to help me better understand my Nikon D7000 and why I get some of the results I do. I've always loved the physics aspects of photography and as an engineer find your detailed scientific tutorials really appeal.
I've decided it's time to get more serious about improving my photography, hence joining. Hopefully posting some images for critique soon.
Hi Ian,
Delighted you've decided to join up. If you have been reading the forums you'll know this is a friendly and helpful place. There are quite a few engineers and scientists here (lapsed, in my case) who enjoy discussing what's really going on, though it does get a bit esoteric at times.
Look forward to hearing more from you, and seeing some pictures.
Welcome Ian, Leon and Thom, I'm sure you will enjoy your time here
Hi, I am Les, living in St Albans and recently joined a U3A photography Group after retiring. Many years ago I used to use a Mamiya with zoom lens for wildlife photos but now use a Panasonic TZ60 as it is so much easier to carry around.
Hello Les, and welcome on board (you might like to update your profile with St Albans and Les as your real name, so they don't get lost).Hi, I am Les, living in St Albans and recently joined a U3A photography Group after retiring.
Yes, as another retiree, size and weight have become a deal more important to me. We are all about sharing and learning here, so I hope that you will jump into the forums and get involved.
Hope to hear (and see!) more from you,
Greetings! I am Bonnie and I live in PA, but I spend most of the summer on a boat on the Chesapeake Bay and I winter in South Carolina. I've had SLR cameras forever and purchased a DSLR several years ago. My dominant pastime is stitching reproduction school-girl samplers, and after finishing a monster of one (26" x 29"), I decided I am going to take a break and sink my teeth into another on-going interest: photography. I look forward to expanding my knowledge of photography, the technical as well as the aesthetic aspects, by tapping into the wonderful resources the forums provide!
Hello Bonnie, and greetings to you.
That's one heck of a tapestry!
I hope this forum will help and engage your interest and enthusiasm. We are all about learning and sharing.
I confess I had to Google Scotland. I have been through Philly many times, and even looked down on the three rivers in Pittsburgh, but that is a new one for me. Do you live on the boat in summer?
Hi, my name is Anders, living in Denmark.
I have used a Nikon D40 for many years, but recently bought a Pentax K-x, as I'm an old Pentax fan.
I found this site when I tried to find out about colorcontrol in printing.
I like photos of things that has been used and thrown away, but also nice landscapes.
My major photo idols are Ansel Adams and Robert Capa.
Hej Anders, and a warm welcome to CiC
I hope you enjoy being a member, and I hope to see and here more from you in the forums.
Best wishes,
Hi! My name is Paula and I'm happy to have found your site. I've been taking pictures all of my life (got my first camera at 4 - the kind that had cubed flash bulbs but we won't talk about what year that was lol). I was a very late convert from SLR to DSLR and struggle with the post-processing digital world. I hope to find some help here.
Hello, Paula. Welcome to the forum.
Great to have you here. I hope you enjoy it.
I'd forgotten about them. I can't remember what camera it was that, as a kid, I had these on. I think it was a Kodak.
Well, I certainly hope you do. There are always people on here able and willing to offer help and advice. All you have to do is ask the questions.
Hello, I'm a new member
I'd like to post my question in a new thread under White Balance, but I haven't found a menu on your site allowing me to start a new thread. Here is my question: I took some photos yesterday using my Pentax K5 with the white balance set on automatic white balance (AWB) in continual shooting mode (several frames per second.) These were outdoor shots in sunshine in uncomplicated lighting conditions. In one series of three shots (just a fraction of a second apart), I noticed the colour balances were quite different and, looking at the raw files, I saw the colour temperatures were 5150, 5600 and 5650. Does anyone have any idea what could cause this?
Many thanks,
Hello Paul and welcome to the forum. I hope you'll enjoy it and be around for a while.
First thing, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
As for posting your question - It's probably best asking that question in the General Photography section. So ..........
- Click on 'Forum' on the menu bar and from the list choose 'General Photography Discussion'
- Once in that section, you will see a shaded box near the top left that says '+ Post New Thread'. Click on that.
- The message window will appear. Insert your title and paste or re-type your question into the text area
- The click on 'Submit New Thread'.
And that's it.
Hi! My name is Ann Marie and I live near Lake Erie in PA. I've enjoyed photography for years, I've had people tell me I've missed my calling.I enjoy nature shots or taking pictures of my two kitties, Leo & Willow. I hope to get some feedback on my pictures and help with the camera I bought last year, a Fujifilm SL 1000. I love the camera but it takes time to learn all the ins and outs with all it's features.
Hi! I am fairly advanced photographer trying to learn more about panoramic and 3D image making. I am currently using PSCC, Autopano Giga and now trying to learn Agisoft Photoscan. I will appreciate any direction the members can send my way. I enjoy making multi image photos of scenes because of the detail and clarity, i.e., resolution, I achieve. For example on the photo I have attached you can zoom in to the windows and see the old paint or identify the bird sitting on the corner of the building roof. This was taken handheld.
Hi Jim, and welcome.
I'm afraid that the software you are using means nothing to me, but hopefully others will know more.
However, there is no sign of an attached or linked image. Please let us know if we can help.