Hello everyone. I am a 67 year old, sometimes photographer who enjoys processing images on my laptop. My photographs are always record shots (nothing artistic) and I have gathered up a few since getting my first digital camera back in 2003. My current camera is a Nikon D80 but I also use a Fuji FinePix S9500 and very occasionally, a Konica Minolta Dimage Z3. I chose my mobile phone for its camera (Nokia N8) but only use it in emergencies.
I have recently found the benefits of shooting in RAW and updated from Photoshop CS to CS2. However, a week ago, I lashed out and bought Lightroom 6. I am enjoying the challenge of trying to get to grips with it.
Having started out in Monochrome (way back as a teenager) I have now started to dabble in producing the occasional B/W image, just for old times sake.