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Thread: New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  1. #1661
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi every body, and sorry for taking so long to welcome you all

    Lyccana - that's quite a collection that you have there! If you like learning and sharing then you have come to the right place, because that's what's CiC is all about

    Hi Jim, and a warm welcome to you too. I can see you've already jumped into the forums, and posted your first image. I hope you have found the feedback helpful, and keep up the good work.

    Hello David. Glad you found us and decided to join in. Yes, that is a learning curve but the folks here will always be ready to help. You certainly get around the globe - I hope you'll be sharing some pictures of your travels (my wife and I have notched up around 65 countries, mostly together, so we get around a bit too!)

    Hi Lou and welcome. I don't know why the ptcure didn't appear. Did you read this thread? HELP THREAD: How can I post images here? Do have another go, and if it doesn't work please shout out. I'm sure we can get you under way.

    Hello Yayati, and a welcome to you too. Photography is a journey that we all started at the beginning (and some of us are only a little way down the road). Practice is the best way. Learn your camera, and how changing its setting change the way your image looks. The harder bit for most of us is them learning to see a picture (having said that, some can just do it naturally!). When you feel ready, post an image or two on this site and ask for C&C - this is a polite and constructive place. Please you also add your "real name" and whereabouts you are in the world to your profile. That way, they will appear alongside all your posts.

    So, welcome again to one and all, and I hope to see you around.


  2. #1662
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello from snowy Michigan! Looking forward to learning how this forum works, and learning from my fellow photography enthusiasts! i've been seriously pursuing photography for ~3 years, my wife says it's my midlife crisis. It would have been cheaper to buy a car!

  3. #1663
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello from snowy Michigan!
    Hello Jerry, and welcome.

    If it would have been cheaper to buy a car, you must have some pretty fancy gear! Seriously, this is a friendly place to learn and share, so I hope you enjoy your time here. For interest, where in Michigan are you? My sister in law lives near Pontiac, and I once visited Kalamazoo (not many Brits can say that!)

    Hope to see you around, Dave

  4. #1664

    Join Date
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    Kurt Pedersen

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello everyone, Although I have been a member for a few years its been so long since I've been here that it feels like I am newly arrived. As well I never posted much in the past, something I hope t change going forward. I live in British Columbia Canada and have been taking photo's since the 70's I didn't do much photography for years but took it up when I retired. I am overwhelmed by the changes that digital photography has brought compared to the film days. This is especially true in the field of post processing. I feel I have lots to learn and hopefully I can contribute as well.

  5. #1665

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi, I am a new member obviously and am looking for some direction. I have a Canon EOS rebel xsi, I am wanting to get a macro lens to take up close pictures. I work with exotics and want to take more extreme close ups! What is the best way to do this, best lens? settings? I am new new to photography, so try to make it easy to follow! Thank you in advance. I cant figure out how to post the pictures here, but I am an amateur and would like tips for better up close pictures. I want to learn how the settings all affect camera and photos too.


  6. #1666
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurtp View Post
    Hello everyone, Although I have been a member for a few years its been so long since I've been here that it feels like I am newly arrived. As well I never posted much in the past, something I hope t change going forward. I live in British Columbia Canada and have been taking photo's since the 70's I didn't do much photography for years but took it up when I retired. I am overwhelmed by the changes that digital photography has brought compared to the film days. This is especially true in the field of post processing. I feel I have lots to learn and hopefully I can contribute as well.
    Good to see you back on the forum, Kurt.

    I hope you will now feel able to be more involved

  7. #1667
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Okairshow View Post
    Hi, I am a new member obviously and am looking for some direction. I have a Canon EOS rebel xsi, I am wanting to get a macro lens to take up close pictures. I work with exotics and want to take more extreme close ups! What is the best way to do this, best lens? settings? I am new new to photography, so try to make it easy to follow! Thank you in advance. I cant figure out how to post the pictures here, but I am an amateur and would like tips for better up close pictures. I want to learn how the settings all affect camera and photos too.

    Hello Celeste and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and that it does help improve your photographic knowledge and skills. Let me try and address a few things you raise and some others.

    Posting images into your message. Please do read the helpful guide that walks you through how to do it. Click HERE to read the thread.

    On the subject of a macro lens - Please start a new thread in the Digital Cameras and Equipment section of the forum and ask your questions. More members that are likely to be able to help will see them, there than here.

    So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.

  8. #1668

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Kurt:

    Welcome back to CIC! I can totally relate to you on several levels:
    I too harken back to the days of film, albeit in the 1980's and I was both excited and awed by the opportunities and new learning required to engage with the digital medium
    I am now retired and enjoying photography as a means to keep my mind sharp
    I live in Victoria, BC most of the time and wondered if you were in my area... if so it would be good to catch up - you can send a private message if you prefer.

    Good to see you back in the group!

  9. #1669
    New Member
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    I'm here because I love photography and want it to be my profession, I do many different photography mostly portraits or objects.
    Here is my website

    My recent idea is to do interviews with photographers around the world and post this on my blog.
    So that's why I also register here too.
    If you want be a part of my project
    please send a message

  10. #1670
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    North Sydney

    New member from Australia.

    Hello. My name is Derek and I live in North Sydney Australia and I am keen to tackle Flash photography with my Cannon 600D. My inventory contains three Cannon lenses;
    EFS 18-55mm
    Zoom Lens EF 75mm - 300mm
    50mm/ EF 50mm prime

    I also have a Cannon Speedlite 430 EX !! off camera flash (wirelessly triggered). I recently spent $250 on an additional flash kit (three strobes 180w eaach - with other accessories such as umbrella / soft box / light stands / coloured background sheets.

    Ideally I'd like to master the fundamentals of flash fired photography with a particular interest in portraits and high speed.

    Will post my initial attempts over the next few days and would appreciate candid feedback.

    Till then. Thanking you.

  11. #1671
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by kateko View Post
    I'm here because I love photography and want it to be my profession, I do many different photography mostly portraits or objects.
    Here is my website

    My recent idea is to do interviews with photographers around the world and post this on my blog.
    So that's why I also register here too.
    If you want be a part of my project
    please send a message
    Welcome to the group, nice website.

  12. #1672
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: New member from Australia.

    Quote Originally Posted by Derek J View Post
    Hello. My name is Derek and I live in North Sydney Australia and I am keen to tackle Flash photography with my Cannon 600D. My inventory contains three Cannon lenses;
    EFS 18-55mm
    Zoom Lens EF 75mm - 300mm
    50mm/ EF 50mm prime

    I also have a Cannon Speedlite 430 EX !! off camera flash (wirelessly triggered). I recently spent $250 on an additional flash kit (three strobes 180w eaach - with other accessories such as umbrella / soft box / light stands / coloured background sheets.

    Ideally I'd like to master the fundamentals of flash fired photography with a particular interest in portraits and high speed.

    Will post my initial attempts over the next few days and would appreciate candid feedback.

    Till then. Thanking you.
    Hi Derek,

    Welcome to the group, looking forward to seeing some of your stuff.

  13. #1673

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello my name is Stefan.
    I live and work in Cambridge UK.
    Ive semi retired and looking forward to time to lean/improve my photography.
    My equipment is modest, Camon 60D, kit lens, Sigma 10/20 w/a, Sigma 150 macro.
    My wife and I walk and hike a lot, this is where I enjoy taking pictures the most.
    Good to be here, thanks.

  14. #1674
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello all,

    This is Tilak DP, I have always loved CiC great amount of scientific description about photography.. I am excited to join the forum now. I have been clicking from past 3 years now. Love it more daily. I enjoy street candid, night sky exposures and landscapes, developing interests into many other realms of it.
    I am from Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
    I own a crop sensor Canon body [600D] and 18-55 f/3.5 and 50 mm f/1.4 prime !
    Last edited by bluphoton; 9th March 2016 at 10:01 AM. Reason: including additional information

  15. #1675
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    I'm Philip (prefer Phil) I have just got into photography and I am really enjoying learning about it. I only wish I had taken it up years ago. At present I am using a Canon Eos 70d I've taken a few photographs of various birds in the garden and in local woodlands. I have had a go at landscape photography and have also done a little bit of portraiture photography (my wife was my model) enough said about that (ha ha). I will in time upgrade my camera either to a Canon 6d or Canon 7d mkii and I am already planning to purchase several Canon L series lenses to take on our trip to Portugal.

  16. #1676
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello !.. I'm new to this site .I love infrared photography.

  17. #1677
    CormacD's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi I'm Lindsay from the Peel District in Western Australia. I did register a couple of years ago but got side tracked and only just got back to CIC to start becoming active. The past week or so I have been having a good look at CIC and have posted a couple of shots in the mini comps. I am an amateur but photography is my passion and I think this forum will help me improve. I do a fair bit of travel and my prefered styles are landscapes and street photography. I have done a couple of years of on line courses and have learnt a lot. Although if we do not practice we fade. I will start the 2016 P52 in the next quarter (only a week or so). I live near the coast in Western Australia, it is quite flat, therefore no mountain scenes. We however, are very close to the water as 3 rivers converge nearby into a large lake called the Peel Inlet. I will be working on improving my photography around this area. I've tried to attach a shot that is typical of my style, or so people tell me, however nothing happens when I click 'Upload Photos From Your Computer.

  18. #1678

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi there,

    This morning tried to upload a photo for Monochrome competition and got a message saying that I have violated terms although never posted anything so far.
    Now, just a minutes ago, upload of my file for othe competition (colour) and all went smooth while at the end my photo was a kind of screen copy of some games. I apologise to all but it was beyond my control (note that had carefully chosen the file)
    Please remove it, please.

    Using the opportunity, I just got into this forum although for quite some time been following what is happening here and it is very pleasing. Not to mention brilliant tutorials.

    I live in Croatia and sometimes like to take my camera and do some photographs. Not as much as I would like but only a day out makes my week.

    I am quite embarassed what came out to screen and once again my sincere apologies.

  19. #1679
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    My apologies to all those new members who have joined since my last welcoming post. Events have just overtaken me.

    But you are all very welcome and I hope you enjoy being part of this forum. If you have questions about the forum just ask.

    And as for photography - just remember that the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.

    And, Robert (RList) I can see your entry okay. Nice image.

  20. #1680
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Robert,

    It looks like you have been very unlucky and experienced two of the known occasional problems on your first day or so.
    Hopefully you won't experience them again - but please don't worry if you do, both usually resolve themselves after a while - you can PM me (or one of the other moderators) if it happens again.

    They are both not directly related to CiC but afflict external functionality we use.

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me too.

    All the best, Dave

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