Hi every body, and sorry for taking so long to welcome you all
Lyccana - that's quite a collection that you have there! If you like learning and sharing then you have come to the right place, because that's what's CiC is all about
Hi Jim, and a warm welcome to you too. I can see you've already jumped into the forums, and posted your first image. I hope you have found the feedback helpful, and keep up the good work.
Hello David. Glad you found us and decided to join in. Yes, that is a learning curve but the folks here will always be ready to help. You certainly get around the globe - I hope you'll be sharing some pictures of your travels (my wife and I have notched up around 65 countries, mostly together, so we get around a bit too!)
Hi Lou and welcome. I don't know why the ptcure didn't appear. Did you read this thread? HELP THREAD: How can I post images here? Do have another go, and if it doesn't work please shout out. I'm sure we can get you under way.
Hello Yayati, and a welcome to you too. Photography is a journey that we all started at the beginning (and some of us are only a little way down the road). Practice is the best way. Learn your camera, and how changing its setting change the way your image looks. The harder bit for most of us is them learning to see a picture (having said that, some can just do it naturally!). When you feel ready, post an image or two on this site and ask for C&C - this is a polite and constructive place. Please you also add your "real name" and whereabouts you are in the world to your profile. That way, they will appear alongside all your posts.
So, welcome again to one and all, and I hope to see you around.