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Thread: New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  1. #1961

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello, this is Touseef from Buffalo, NY. I own a Nikon D7000 with two lens(1. 18-140mm and 2.55-300mm). I am very new in photography. Love to take picture but also try to learn new techniques. Interested in Macro and Landscape photography.


  2. #1962
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by devicephoto View Post
    Hello everybody!
    I'm Denis from Krasnoyarsk, Siberia.
    Couple of years ago have found CiC as a source for learning photography so now decide to join the community.
    Always learning as I say )
    Sample image as greeting card
    Hello Denis. I am very pleased that you have decided to sign up. Learning is what we are all about, so ytou have come to the right place.

    A strange coincidence, my nephew has married a girl from Tyumen, whom he met while he was working there, but I think that is quite a long way from Krasnoyarsk!

    I look forward to hearing more from you,


  3. #1963
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by touseefimam View Post
    Hello, this is Touseef from Buffalo, NY. I own a Nikon D7000 with two lens(1. 18-140mm and 2.55-300mm). I am very new in photography. Love to take picture but also try to learn new techniques. Interested in Macro and Landscape photography.

    Hi Touseef, and welcome to our forum. I hope you enjoy being here. I think you might have many picture of Niagara , though I am sure there is much else to see around Buffalo!

    Hope to see and hear more from you,


  4. #1964
    New Member devicephoto's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello Dave!
    Thanks for your warm welcome. I'm pretty sure that CiC is the right place )

    And yes, small world ) Actually, Tyumen is not so close to the Krasnoyarsk since it's 2000 km away in Western Siberia and from the Yenisey river starts the Eastern one. But the distance of 400-500 km (250-300 miles) is not a big deal over here.

    So I shall learn and do my best.
    Thanks again!


  5. #1965
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi, I'm a new member living in Italy. My house is in Perugia and my job in Florence. Photography is one of my hobbies (the other are PC and soccer). I'm I'm pretty much a beginner for both photo taking (with a Nikon d40x and a Canon Powershot G16) and photo retouching (with GIMP and other RAW processing software). I hope to learn something in this Community. Thank very much to all

  6. #1966

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by MaGo View Post
    Hi, I'm a new member living in Italy. My house is in Perugia and my job in Florence. Photography is one of my hobbies (the other are PC and soccer). I'm I'm pretty much a beginner for both photo taking (with a Nikon d40x and a Canon Powershot G16) and photo retouching (with GIMP and other RAW processing software). I hope to learn something in this Community. Thank very much to all
    There are many fine mentors here. Post your shots and people will start commenting.

  7. #1967
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hullo everyone, my name is Ali I live in Perthshire in Scotland. I've been taking photographs for years, mostly landscape.
    I've never been 100% happy with how they turn out on screen or print, apart from the few lucky ? ones.
    Although I've never really studied photography in any great depth until now, hoping to learn and share with you all.
    Really looking forward to this.

  8. #1968
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello Ali and welcome to CiC from another Perthshire snapper. Why not post a couple of your photos, perhaps one that you like and one that you feel has problems? You will discover that the community here is marked by its friendly and helpful nature, so don't be shy. There's a link on how to upload photos (HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?) - I'd recommend TinyPics as the easiest and more reliable (but that's based on personal experience and may reflect my abilities as much as anything else )

  9. #1969
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Back from travels but now in the midst of relocation... somewhere "between the outhouse and the back porch!" for another month or so... Looking forward to submitting recent travel pix for comment when settled.


  10. #1970
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by IrrevRev View Post
    Back from travels but now in the midst of relocation... somewhere "between the outhouse and the back porch!" for another month or so... Looking forward to submitting recent travel pix for comment when settled.

    Welcome back! Look forward to the pictures.


  11. #1971
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Bill, how you doing ?managed to get two photo's loaded, they are in ''Ali's photo'' album.

  12. #1972
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Millhill View Post
    ~ managed to get two photo's loaded, they are in ''Ali's photo'' album.
    Hi Ali,

    We tend not to use Albums here - we're not an image hosting site - although that's not obvious when you're new here.

    If you'd like people to see you images, they need to be placed in a new thread in one of the appropriate forums;
    People & Pets for those things or
    Nature & Architecture for anything else.

    In a thread, they may well attract comments and critique with a view to people helping you improve future shooting and/or ideas to post process them.

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me, Dave

  13. #1973
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Dave, thanks for info, have signed on and deleted albums.



  14. #1974

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    Luis Arroyo

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello: I am Luis Arroyo and live in Long Beach, California, USA. I retired a few months ago after having taught nearly forty years at colleges and universities. I devote the bulk of my newly-acquired "free time" to completing several history writing projects. I spend perhaps 15% of my free time on photography. I own a Sony a77ii camera and several Minolta and Sony lenses. So far, I've taken pictures of mostly landscapes, flowers and buildings. I look forward to learning portrait photography and to mastering Lightroom.

  15. #1975
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by LuisLB View Post
    Hello: I am Luis Arroyo and live in Long Beach, California, USA. I retired a few months ago after having taught nearly forty years at colleges and universities. I devote the bulk of my newly-acquired "free time" to completing several history writing projects. I spend perhaps 15% of my free time on photography. I own a Sony a77ii camera and several Minolta and Sony lenses. So far, I've taken pictures of mostly landscapes, flowers and buildings. I look forward to learning portrait photography and to mastering Lightroom.
    Hi Louis, and a warm welcome to CiC. It sounds as if you are into a well deserved retirement. There are quite a few seniors in this community, so you are in good company. We are all about learning, so, again, you have come to a good place.

    If you are interested in learning portraiture, do have a look here School of Portraiture - Links to Lessons 1 through 8
    for a series of tutorials by ex-member Colin Southern.

    There are lots of Lightroom users here (I'm one of them), so there should be plenty of assistance. (There are one or two Lightroom haters, too, but it's mostly not their fault )

    Look forward to seeing you around,


  16. #1976

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    Luis Arroyo

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi, Dave:
    Thanks for your warm welcome and the suggestions. I will certainly complete the School of Portraiture lessons and then look for help with Lightroom.


  17. #1977
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi All,
    Ralph Lehman , new to this forum and to CIC. At present using Canon 6D and canon 24-105 and tamron 70-300 for most of my photos. Hoping some day to have more gear. I have no specialty are but what ever catches my fancy, everything from Macro to Landscape and wildlife. I am looking to increase both my knowledge and ability to be more creative. I also use Adobe CC Photoshop and Lightroom. Feedback and opinions for my photos welcomed. Thanks

  18. #1978
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Welcome to CiC, Ralph. Some of the members tend to specialize in particular photographic genres while others are generalists. I think most of us are here for the same reason you have joined; to increase their photographic knowledge.

  19. #1979
    Pixl8tor's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    My name is Bill Jarvie and I live in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada.
    I started photography when I was quite young and progressed to developing and printing in a little darkroom under the stairs.
    Later in life my career got in the way of most hobbies and I got out of photography (other than with a small point and shoot).
    Now that I am retired I can spend more time on photography.
    I have a Sony a6000 and use Capture One 8 for processing.
    I like landscapes and architecture.
    I also enjoy golf, fishing, painting and racing remote control sailboats.

  20. #1980

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Pixl8tor View Post
    My name is Bill Jarvie and I live in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada.
    I started photography when I was quite young and progressed to developing and printing in a little darkroom under the stairs.
    Later in life my career got in the way of most hobbies and I got out of photography (other than with a small point and shoot).
    Now that I am retired I can spend more time on photography.
    I have a Sony a6000 and use Capture One 8 for processing.
    I like landscapes and architecture.
    I also enjoy golf, fishing, painting and racing remote control sailboats.
    hi Bill Sony Alpha a58, Cap. 1 Sony Pro, mostly macro. Welcome to the group.

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