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Thread: New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020

  1. #2121

    Join Date
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi everyone, I'm new here. I've been into photography for a while, but starting to take it a little more seriously. Always happy to learn new stuff! I'm a Geordie living in West Yorkshire in the UK. Photography for me is very much a hobby, and I don't get that much time to do it - but I love it when I do get the chance.

    Since we're allowed to post a pic in the intro, here's a recent one I'm proud of.

    EDIT: couldn't work out how to upload, so here's a link instead:

  2. #2122

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by rogfrich View Post
    Hi everyone, I'm new here. I've been into photography for a while, but starting to take it a little more seriously. Always happy to learn new stuff! I'm a Geordie living in West Yorkshire in the UK. Photography for me is very much a hobby, and I don't get that much time to do it - but I love it when I do get the chance.

    Since we're allowed to post a pic in the intro, here's a recent one I'm proud of.

    EDIT: couldn't work out how to upload, so here's a link instead:
    Welcome aboard. I'd be proud of it too.

  3. #2123

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    Welcome aboard. I'd be proud of it too.

    It was taken during a night-photography workshop, where I learned a lot - including not to balance a tripod on the edge of a bridge on a windy night...

  4. #2124
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Very good image, and welcome. Guide to posting is here:
    HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?


  5. #2125
    New Member Magritter's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello All

    I've moved around a bit within England but have been in Shropshire for more than a decade. I have posted around 14,000 photos to Flickr and a few to 500PX. Mostly I do minimal post-processing though recently I've done a few composite images using Gimp (plus some image overlays in-camera). I mostly use a Nikon D7000 for 'arty' photos and a Coolpix for work. With the D7000 I use Nikkor 18-55, 35mm prime, 55-200 and 70-300 lenses. A few of my images have been published though I haven't sold any yet.

    My profile pic is called This is not an Apple.

  6. #2126
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Dave and welcome to CiC (there are a lot of Dave's around here!)

    That's a lot of Photos on Flickr - is there a particular area of photography that you specialise in?

    Interesting profile pic. At first I thought "Son of Man" and that you'd used that, but looking a bit closer obviously not - is that your good self modelling?

    Hope you enjoy being here, and hope to see and hear more from you,


    Quote Originally Posted by Magritter View Post
    Hello All

    I've moved around a bit within England but have been in Shropshire for more than a decade. I have posted around 14,000 photos to Flickr and a few to 500PX. Mostly I do minimal post-processing though recently I've done a few composite images using Gimp (plus some image overlays in-camera). I mostly use a Nikon D7000 for 'arty' photos and a Coolpix for work. With the D7000 I use Nikkor 18-55, 35mm prime, 55-200 and 70-300 lenses. A few of my images have been published though I haven't sold any yet.

    My profile pic is called This is not an Apple.

  7. #2127

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello from Port Dover, Ontario, Canada. I'm a 68 year old grandfather who just got back into photography a couple of years ago. I am looking forward to expand my knowledge of all things photographic. My main interests are landscape and wild life. Currently I use a Nikon D7100, Nikon 18-300mm, Tokina 11-16mm, and a Sigma 150-600mm.

  8. #2128
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello folks,

    My name is Gerry and residing in Gosport UK. Relatively new to photography and currently have a Nikon D3300. Main interests are landscape and wildlife but also hoping to do some astrophotography.

  9. #2129
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi there, and welcome. We are all about learning and sharing, so I hope you'll enjoy being a member. Please could you add your "real" name to your profile, so that we know what to call you.

    And 1948 was an excellent vintage year


    Quote Originally Posted by Chief1948 View Post
    Hello from Port Dover, Ontario, Canada. I'm a 68 year old grandfather who just got back into photography a couple of years ago. I am looking forward to expand my knowledge of all things photographic. My main interests are landscape and wild life. Currently I use a Nikon D7100, Nikon 18-300mm, Tokina 11-16mm, and a Sigma 150-600mm.

  10. #2130
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Gerry, and welcome to CiC. We have members with very wide ranging interests here, so you will be sure to find other members to share photos and ideas with.


    Quote Originally Posted by audioman View Post
    Hello folks,

    My name is Gerry and residing in Gosport UK. Relatively new to photography and currently have a Nikon D3300. Main interests are landscape and wildlife but also hoping to do some astrophotography.

  11. #2131
    New Member
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    hello all. from Malaysia.
    equipment: canon eos 1d mk ii n

    this looks like a great forum

    New member posts: April 2014 to June 2020
    Last edited by sujana; 23rd April 2017 at 05:03 PM.

  12. #2132
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Welcome Sujana... I hope that you enjoy the companionship and stimulation available on this site as much as I have over the years I have been a member...

  13. #2133
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    NEW MEMBER Introduction

    Hi everyone,

    My name is Gus Panella. I live near Chicago, Illinois.
    I started digital photography in 2005 focusing mainly shooting sports. I now spend more time with landscapes, sunset/rise, and architecture. Although, I have just geared up slightly to attempt BIFs and wildlife.
    Nikon bodies: D200, D700, D500
    Favorite glass: 16-28/f2.8; 24-130/f4; 35-70/f2.8; 70-200/f2.8; 150-600/f5-6.3
    Post: I have a couple favorites, but make it a rue to not use anything from Adobe (long story).

    We try to get out once a week (not always successful) with a small group trying to capture history (old things) that will not be around in 5 years. If I am not getting dirty, I am not working hard enough.

    Thanks in advance to the team creating CiC and the site admins for doing what you do!
    Last edited by GusPanella; 9th May 2017 at 12:28 AM. Reason: Correcting title of my post.

  14. #2134
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER Introduction

    Welcome to CiC... This is a fun group and also a group that I often lean on to answer questions.... It is the friendliest photo group that I have ever been associated with.

  15. #2135
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    John Paul

    Re: NEW MEMBER Introduction

    Hi Folks,

    I've just managed to stumble across this group and it seems like a hidden gem to me!

    My name's John, Originally hailing from Northern Ireland but based down in Cornwall these days in the Southwest of England.

    I started taking photography a little more seriously as a hobby back in 2009, 2010 and at the time had been enjoying the Sony 350. A number of pieces using this camera started to get me some work however I had to part way with the camera at the time. A relationship breakup and redundancy in the same week left me in a position of going back to Northern Ireland for a little while. I sold the camera in order to gather funds to stay in England when I was back to see my daughters. I missed photography for so long but I sold it for the right reasons.

    I've recently re-entered the digital slr game again gone down the route of the Canon 1200D (Rebel T5) and currently find myself using my nifty 50 more than I do the kit lens. It's a nice little body and I do love the prime.

    I try to get out when I can, find myself photographing my animals more than anything (there's a few), but I enjoy photo-journalistic shots more than anything...and landscape. You can't live in Cornwall and not appreciate the landscape!

    Nice to meet you all in advance. I suspect I will be asking for advice in seconds.....

    John Paul

  16. #2136

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    Re: NEW MEMBER Introduction

    Quote Originally Posted by JippersinCornwall View Post
    Hi Folks,

    I've just managed to stumble across this group and it seems like a hidden gem to me!

    My name's John, Originally hailing from Northern Ireland but based down in Cornwall these days in the Southwest of England.

    I started taking photography a little more seriously as a hobby back in 2009, 2010 and at the time had been enjoying the Sony 350. A number of pieces using this camera started to get me some work however I had to part way with the camera at the time. A relationship breakup and redundancy in the same week left me in a position of going back to Northern Ireland for a little while. I sold the camera in order to gather funds to stay in England when I was back to see my daughters. I missed photography for so long but I sold it for the right reasons.

    I've recently re-entered the digital slr game again gone down the route of the Canon 1200D (Rebel T5) and currently find myself using my nifty 50 more than I do the kit lens. It's a nice little body and I do love the prime.

    I try to get out when I can, find myself photographing my animals more than anything (there's a few), but I enjoy photo-journalistic shots more than anything...and landscape. You can't live in Cornwall and not appreciate the landscape!

    Nice to meet you all in advance. I suspect I will be asking for advice in seconds.....

    John Paul
    Hi John, I felt the same way when I found CiC. Welcome to the group.

  17. #2137
    New Member old fat guy with a camera's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hey there,hi there, ho there. Yep, another retired, old, fat guy with a camera, has joined this site.
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  18. #2138
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by old fat guy with a camera View Post
    Hey there,hi there, ho there. Yep, another retired, old, fat guy with a camera, has joined this site.
    Welcome to CIC tom. And what are you doing with Clark's hat?

  19. #2139
    New Member old fat guy with a camera's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    I was a cub staff photographer, way back in the good old bad days. When Perry fired Clark for the last time, Mr. Kent gave me this hat. He told me, You need it more than me. Then he just kinda flew away, of course my camera was on my desk. I swore, from that day on, I would always have my camera handy.

  20. #2140
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello, I am Sachin Thakare currently living in Fremont, California. I like photography so much & I'm here to learn more about photography.
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