Hello, my name is *Tejasiddhi and I live in Cambridge, UK.
I have been interested in photography for some time, but had never got around to buying a DSLR until very recently (just over two week ago). I'd previously used a Panasonic Lumix which I used when I travelled around the world for 6 months, back in 2011; but have only really been using my iPhone's camera in recent years.
I've started modestly with a Nikon D3400, which seems to be a good entry level DSLR, and I'm currently fighting with expectations at the moment, as I compose lots of images that are deleted almost as soon as they appear in Lightroom.

In participating on this forum I am hoping to be able to find (and to give back in the future) advice and encouragement in my development in photography.
Kind regards Tejasiddhi
*My name is in Pali (an ancient Indian language) and was given to me when I was ordained into a Buddhist Order a few years ago.