Color version for me, it seems to work best with the DOF used.
Pleasing colors...without killing the focus on the color for me too![]()
Nice shot Griddi. I actually prefer the B&W, mostly because it simplifies the shot (which quite frankly is not overly complex to begin with), but I find the sundial stands out even more than it does in the colour version.
The two images certainly give different effects.
The background in the colour version is more distracting than with the momochrome. Maybe the shadows could darken a fraction in that option but be careful, or do it selectively, otherwise you could end up with over dark areas in the background which become a distraction.
Hi Griddi,
I slightly prefer the B&W one too (and it is definitely worth sharing).
For me, the only slight benefit of the colour one is the differentiation of the metals used for the orbits vs the arrow, but since they pick up reflected colour from the surrounding vegetation, that weakens the benefit and hence why I prefer the monochrome overall.
My only other comment is that ideally, and this is said in hindsight; the text on the plaque at the bottom edge of frame keeps attracting my eyes, therefore, I wondered if;
a) you had shot an angle more 'square on' that contained all the mounting plinth, but not the plaque?
b) Would you consider a version in which you had cloned out the text on the plaque?
c) Simply cropping off the text spoils the composition
I appreciate cloning such a subject wouldn't be acceptable to everyone though.
Cheers, Dave
John, Nandakumar and Manfred....than you very much for looking and commenting.......
I actually shoot the image straight away in b/w/ , but then converted it in lightroom to colour..........
Ted, Geoff and Dave.....thank you very much too for looking and comments / tips.......
To post both the images I used a different image hosting, as the usually tiny pic, and was a bit surprised that specially the b/w/ came out a bit less sharp, and a bit lighter than the here am I posting the same again, but this time with tiny pic.
Please let me know if you see the difference too ?
Dave, on the day I shoot the photo there were many people around ( the dial is on a causeway ) and in a way I was happy that I got the dial without any people........I am not to good with cloning.......just don't works out with me
Last edited by just me; 16th January 2016 at 01:56 AM.
I much prefer the B/W, Griddi. Edit looks well as the subject.
I too prefer the BnW, nice image![]()
B&W for me too Griddi, I think it is a very nice image.
Hi Izzie, Binur and Mark.....thank you all very much for looking and your kind comments......
I am at present not very active with taking photos as the weather is a bit to hot for my liking, for the last 4-5 weeks sort of on and off but with temperatures in the high 30Cs up to the 40C'c plus......puuuuuu........
What jars with me in the color version is the bright foliage competing with the bright metal so I would like to see a color sun dial with its warmth over a b&w background otherwise I settle for the B&W but I suspect that is a lot of work![]()
Just for yesterday and today, I wish we have your weather...30°C doesn't seem so bad when you have to move to keep freezing your face in the cold will be Spring will be Spring will be Spring soon...hopefully I do not have to go out again in the cold to rescue our little corgi because I have to break the icycles generated from his wee-wee to get him inside the house...![]()
Hi Izzie.......if it would be ONLY 30C this would be fine, as this is * normal * but it is in the HIGH 30C's, like yesterday 39C, the same forecast for today, and often it goes up to the 40C-+.......we have an extra hot summer this year, experts say " El Nino "
is to blame.....
Inside the house it is fine, as the aircon. is running, but outside it is often like an oven, and it just keeps me off of taking photos......
On the other hand, I would not like your minus 15C either.....I start already to complain here when we have have day temperatures in winter about 14C + etc. see there is always something to complain off
Try to stay warm , spring will come for sure