Hi, Chriss;
You cheat: your subject is too cute.

Were you using bounce flash as the only (or main) light source? The other significant technique to work on is to use the flash as fill. Different modes will cause different fill behavior, as described in
this tutorial.
The other thing I enjoy doing with flash is using it to freeze action. The burst of light from a flash at lower powers is much shorter than most shutter speeds we have available. For example, a 1/16 power flash from a 580EX is 1/15,000 second. See
580EX flash durations. This makes it a good tool to freeze something that's moving faster than a normal shutter speed can freeze, like a
saw blade. All you have to do is make sure that the ambient light with your camera settings are such that you get a black screen if you shoot without the flash, then turn on the flash to get the frozen effect. Good for insects in flight, too.