I love using NIK software but mostly use the RAW sharpener, Dfine (only when needed) and Viveza.
Viveza has many aspects. In combination with the control point technology and the capability to work with brushes, you can really improve many images using Viveza. You can make the edits as simple or as complicated as you desire.
One important aspect of my dog photography is keeping my Maltese dog's coats white. Using Viveza, I will often select portions of the coats of my white dog subjects that have color shades due to reflections of the surrounding areas. I will select the areas using control points and the desaturate those areas and/or decrease the specific color that is interfering with rendering the hair white. Quite often when I desaturate an area, I find it advantageous to increase the brightness in that area a bit also in order to get a nice white.
BTW: I enjoy using my Chromebook in combination with my desktop computer when editing images. I can do the editing using my desktop computer (with CS6 and NIK) while having instructions or an instructional video open on my Chromebook. That makes it easy for me to follow along with the instructions.