IMG_2490 by Friso Faber, on Flickr
IMG_2490 by Friso Faber, on Flickr
Very moody capture.
WOW...what a beautiful image.....
Hi again Friso,
It is an interesting image and no mistake - it made me think.
I appreciate there might have been a wind blowing from the left hand side of shot, but I think I would rotate the image clockwise to get (the average of) the two ropes vertical.
Hmmm, OK, I just checked the posts of the fences and bridge parapets and they do seem consistently vertical (now), so perhaps it was windy
I also gave some thought to suggesting that a tighter crop on the right would be better, but then decided against that, since removing the right most (third) tree unbalances the composition.
Then I gave some thought to suggesting a bit more exposure - it would easily take another stop, but that might destroy the atmospheric feel of the day.
I'm not sure my thoughts are any help at all; but they are what they are.
Did you consider any of these things?
Cheers, Dave
Very moody and nice image Have you tried a B&W conversion? That might look good too.
nice photo ,I really like it...
Love the shot, very moody. Agree with Binnur B&W should be considered. I do think the exposure is fine even it is on the low side.
Cheers Ole
Uh oh...another Freddie Nightmare shot...I can hear children playing nearby...Otherwise, very, very nice drama here that can make the start of a dramatic suspense story. Excellent.
I really like it!
The mood is excellent and I like the swing ropes are slightly swayed, it very well be wind, but it implies the swing was only just vacated...
I agree with the BW conversation, POSSIBLY with a touch more contrast.
I also wonder if it's worth cropping it to lose the tree on the left, but that's just me YMMV
Friso.....absolute stunning....but I agree with others, it may look even more dramatic in B/W...........WOW !
The mystery multiplied....superb
IMO BnW suits the image, but the top part of the tree needs brightening
I find mine version better. Buth thanks for thinking with me.
I like the original.