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Thread: Snow on the deck

  1. #21

    Re: Snow on the deck

    It's interesting the way the wind has carved the snow on your bench - it's almost like you have a boat upside down on it...

  2. #22

    Join Date
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    Re: Snow on the deck

    I added this thread to display a series of photos captured during the blizzard.

  3. #23

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    Re: Snow on the deck

    That's more snow than I have seen in all the seasons I skied at Perisher in the Great Snowy Mountains. Stay warm and safe.


  4. #24
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Snow on the deck

    Since you opened the back door, stick your beers in the snow, then hanker down in front of the fireplace with it. Invite your friends over -- it will keep the atmosphere warmer too.

  5. #25

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    Re: Snow on the deck

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Since you opened the back door
    I didn't open it; I shot through the glass. I can't open the door right now because it's blocked by our Christmas tree. The tree will be up for another two weeks (a long story about making a little bit of Christmas for some friends who had most of theirs taken away this year).

    stick your beers in the snow, then hanker down in front of the fireplace with it.
    Surely you know by now that our household is all about wine, not beer. You're right about the fireplace, which works exceptionally well when paired with wine.

  6. #26
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Snow on the deck

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I changed the image to black-and-white. I was so so tired from shoveling snow that I didn't use my normal thought processes before releasing the shutter. I realized hours later that I should have known this scene "needs" to be presented in monochrome.

    The record here is 28 inches and is about 90 years old. We still have bout one-third of the storm to go, so it's possible that we'll break the record.

    Seeing your comment made me cuss at you under my breath. That's because at the time that I took the photo, my estimate is that we had received 20 inches of snow and that I had shoveled 28 inches of it. (The blizzard winds blow old snow from other areas onto the new snow in the areas that I have to shovel.) I have shoveled my driveway and sidewalk four times and have at least two more times to go.

    Even so, I got back to liking you again when I had an experience I thought I would never have: I experienced complete whiteout. I stood in the middle of my block, which is a normal length for American suburbia, and could not see the houses at either end of the street. I was ending a 40-minute walk, some of it in snow up to my knees and all of it in a howling wind with a wind chill of about 0 degrees Fahrenheit, and my tiredness enhanced the experience. I love new experiences and it was really amazing to wonder what a true whiteout in the wilderness is like with no landmarks such as the houses in my neighborhood to provide bearings.
    Glad the event had positive experiences and I'm back on your good side. With any unusual weather condition curiosity fuels the adventurous spirit within us, you'll be only one of only a few who'll have tales to tell and as an added bonus; news agencies eat up this type of photography.

  7. #27
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    Re: Snow on the deck

    Quote Originally Posted by Steaphany View Post
    I grew up on Long Island ( New York ) and one year when I was about 10, I was asked what I wanted for my birthday and my reply was Enough snow for school to be closed for a week !

    It snowed, just as it's doing now, I had school closed for a week, and I had to shovel the walkway and drive way with a shovel, not even a snow blower

    Now I hate snow
    And it always strikes the day before you planned to do some food shopping.

  8. #28
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Snow on the deck

    Aw Mike you are just making me feel right at home.

    All joking aside, be safe. Lots of people who are used to large snowfalls get hurt or worse, especially when cleaning up.

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