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Another reason why I like the metric (System International) system. There are seven SI units overall:
the metre for distance,
the kilogram for mass,
the second for time,
the ampere for electric current,
the kelvin for temperature,
the mole for amount of substance,
the candela for intensity of light.
Every other derived measure increased by a factor of 1,000 more or less than one of these, thus: for units of length, e.g.
1/1000m = 1mm 1/1000mm = nanometre (nm)
1x1000m = 1km
It was originally intended that these 1000-factor units would be the normal units for technology, commercial and industrial use, however the fashion industry baulked at this as they had no intention of saying to a customer that their waistline is 650mm instead of 26in, so they went to the less offensive cm (1/100m).
The use of units not 1/1,000 or x1,000 has become more common with time in the broader community.