....Fun with flags...
Oh no wait,
I mean fun with SOOC jpegs
Yeah it's a bit dark, but check out the detail and contrast, go Fuji!
I always advise RAW shooters to turn off DR expansion modes, they bump up ISO, introduce noise and smear detail. But for the jpeg shooters, they're not so bad, no?
Ok I'll spare you any more!
Now some of you might wonder why I do this 'fun with SOOC' crap? Where's the fun in sub par images?
Well raw and post process is great, it really is
pushing 2-4 EV on a modern ISOless sensor, whacking the clarity and detail slider right up... whoop there it is, that's the shot
But IMO (YMMV) I like to keep my hand in... I cut erm blunted my teeth on film and sometimes, when it doesn't really matter, I like to go out and see what I can actually get out of the camera and not the PC...
...gives me less work to do in post and keeps my
ability (I use the word loosely) to work with natural light in touch