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Thread: Problems getting started

  1. #1
    tezclarke's Avatar
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    Problems getting started

    Hi all, I am not that dim really, but I am having a hell of a job trying to start using this site, which I know is very good, I just don't know how to use it.

    I posted a message of introduction, which I cannot find anywhere. I noted that in 'view your posts' - the message has been received but there is no reply to it and it is not where I thought is would be, in the welcome to new members where Dave is a moderator, although according to the site, many people have looked at it!

    I don't want to be a pain but could someone tell me how to use the site, as I would love to get involved

    Thank you

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Problems getting started

    Welcome, Tez!

    To find and review the message you posted, click "View Your Threads or Posts." Notice immediately above the "Reply to Thread" button that that forum path is displayed. When you posted that first message, you probably got understandably confused about which forum or thread you thought your message was located.

    Don't be concerned about people not replying to your post, as it seems to me that people tend to pay less attention to introductory posts even though they read them. (I rarely read them and may not be alone in that regard.) There will always be far more people reviewing threads than posting responses to them regardless of the subject.

    Dave, Manfred and Donald are the three very helpful moderators. They moderate the entire site. If each of them has a responsibility for certain forums, I'm not aware of it.

    Two things that will help you: Edit your profile to display on the left side of each message your approximate location and at least your first name. Don't feel that your real name has to be your screen name just because I did that, but look for the text field that allows you to display your real name in addition to your screen name.

    To get a good start on joining the community, I recommend that you immediately feel comfortable responding to other people's threads and to starting your own threads. Looking forward to seeing your posts!
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 26th January 2016 at 11:05 PM.

  3. #3
    tezclarke's Avatar
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    Re: Problems getting started


    Thank you very much for the help and I will edit my profile as you suggest. I am sure I will get the hang of it after a bit. Just anxious to get involved, that's all.



  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Problems getting started

    Hi Terry - welcome to CiC.

    As Mike has pointed out, getting involved is easy. If you have any photography related questions, just post them in the appropriate forum. If you wish to contribute to an existing thread, just hit the "reply" button and add your comments.

    If you want critiques of comments on some of your work, you can post images here (instructions are given as to how to do this). If you are really happy with some of your work, you could consider entering it in one of the contents.

    I hope this helps.


  5. #5
    tezclarke's Avatar
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    Re: Problems getting started

    Hi Manfred,

    I am delighted to be here and you and one other person from Australia has made me feel very welcome. I will soon get the hang of it. Very nice to meet you. I have visited Ottawa on one of our visits to Canada. What a lovely country. I certainly had my camera clicking there, especially in the Rockies. Wow!!


  6. #6
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Problems getting started

    Another warm welcome from me -- from Missouri. I am a transplanted Aussie here in the US btw. I hope you enjoy your stay while here and respond to some of the posts you want to get involved in...there are not much categories here so it is just as easy to start a thread by clicking on Forums and it will show you where you can post your own image for comments or critique. You must gently ask for a C&C. We are a learning community and everyone accepts everyone like family. I guess I can say, you as a newbie here (on this site) will be "little sister".

    Have fun...we'd love to see your shots soon.

  7. #7
    tezclarke's Avatar
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    Re: Problems getting started

    Gday Sheila!

    Nice of you to welcome me as a 'little sister'. Odd as I'm a bloke and 6ft 2ins. Hope to post some stuff soon as I get used to moving around the site. I am a Nikon fan and have a D7100 which I have just bought it has an 18 140mm lens and I added a 55 300mm lens to it. More of the kids inheritance down the tubes!!! I has a Sony a58 before that but did not like it very much. Nice to meet you.

    See you

  8. #8
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Problems getting started

    Sorry...where I come from 'Tez' sounds similar to 'Tess' as in the nickname of 'Teresa'. LOL

    Looking forward to your post with images and explanation.

  9. #9
    tezclarke's Avatar
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    Re: Problems getting started

    No problem Izzie and I hope that I did not come across as bossy!!!! If I did please accept my apologies.


  10. #10
    tezclarke's Avatar
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    Re: Problems getting started

    No problem Izzie and I hope that I did not come across as bossy!!!! If I did please accept my apologies.


  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Problems getting started

    Nope you are just fine...It will take a lot to make me angry or upset. I once heard my husband said to a friend of his that I must be the most patient and understanding wife he had ever married. I think he loves me...LOL

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