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Thread: A technical query for the Canon owners

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    A technical query for the Canon owners

    This relates to my 7DMkII, but is not an issue necessarily exclusive to it. And I'll try to keep what is quite a complex problem, as brief as possible.

    After being away for a couple of weeks (when I did not have the 7DMkii with me), I have come home and this problem is present. Can't think that two weeks of non-use can in any way be a contributory factor.

    This is about what's happening on the top LCD panel.

    When I change shutter speed with the Main Dial, everything is as it should be.

    When I try to change aperture setting with the Quick Control Dial, the display immediately gives an 'L' where the Shutter Speed and Aperture should be displayed.

    I go the manual to find out what this is about and in the 'Nomenclature' section near the front of the manual where everything is named, I find (p25 if you have a 7DMkII manual), that 'L' is a 'Multi-Function Lock Warning'.

    Now, I have no idea what that means.

    As far as I know, I have not changed any settings relating to multi-function controls. I checked my custom controls and still have aperture-setting assigned to the Quick Control Dial. Indeed, when I use the Quick Control Button that pulls up all the settings on the rear panel, I can happily change the aperture setting with the Quick Control Dial.

    So, my dilemma and question is- What is going on?

    As far as the manual is concerned, other than that mention of the 'L' display in the Nomenclature section, there is nothing about the issue elsewhere in the manual. I searched for an 'If you get this problem ....', but nothing.

    Anyone able to help a frustrated, old photographer? And don't tell me to buy a Nikon.

  2. #2

    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    Hi Donald,

    Don't know if this will help. I have the 70D and there is a multi-function lock (which I haven't yet explored, I admit). On mine, it is rear of camera, bottom right of the main control dial, a little flip switch. It locks certain functions to prevent their accidental use. Does the 7D have this and If so might you have flipped it accidentally?
    On the other hand, my manual appears to suggest that you have to do something in a custom function menu to make the switch active. I would post a screen shot of my manual but don't know how (I'm using my iPad at present).

    Last edited by Davejl; 1st February 2016 at 08:54 AM.

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    Ah hah. Good grief. What an idiot. God, I now feel embarrassed.

    Dave - You're wonderful.

  4. #4

    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    Glad to be of help. I just thought the 7D might share some traits with the 70D.



  5. #5
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    Don't worry Donald, the 7D #1 has tricked me in the same way before today.

  6. #6
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners can I now tell you to buy a Fuji

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    Wonderful article in the latest edition of B & W Photography magazine about a guy who did a project on the last coal mine in Nottinghamshire, before it closed in 2015. All done with Fuji.

  8. #8
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    frustrated, old photographer?
    That's me too.... I've been using the 7D Mk1 and now the MK2 for more than 5 years and have still not worked out all the functions. I wouldn't have recognised the 'L' warning on the top display either.
    I don't use the top panel much (too small... bad eyesight?), preferring either the 'heads up' info in the viewfinder , or the back panel when changing settings.

    That said, I do know about the 'L' key on the back but have never investigated its proper use. I've always left it in the off position, casually assuming that when engaged it would stop accidental changes to to settings while carrying the camera in the field.
    Since this only ever happened (for me !), with the camera mode setting on the top of the camera, and has now been 'fixed' on the Mk2 I've blithely continued to ignore the multi-funtional lock!

  9. #9

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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    And don't tell me to buy a Nikon.
    Considering that Nikon cameras have many locks that would have to be mastered, it appears that you're far better off staying with your Canon.

  10. #10

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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    I was caught out by the very same thing recently, Donald.

    Tried using my previous 7D Mk I, just to 'keep it warmed up' now and then. I couldn't get the Exposure Compensation to work. Tried everything I could including resetting to default options. Eventually had a look at that Lock Button but it seemed OK. However, I moved it back and forwards a few times then everything worked perfectly; as if by magic.

    It must have been a bit sticky so appeared OK but wasn't quite making a contact.

  11. #11
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    The Lock Device for the 7D, 7Dii, as well as other cameras such as the 5Dii is simply a PITA for me. I never use it and have never mistakenly shifted the Quick Control Dial in error.

    OTOH: when I shot with a 350D (Canon XT) many of the controls were accessed via buttons next to the LCD on the back of the camera. The buttons were strategically placed (I am sure that the Canon Gods planned this just to annoy me) where my thumb rested as I was shooting. So when I pressed the shutter button and the self-timer was actuated, I would say, Darn (or a word something like that) I did it again

    Unfortunately, I couldn't train myself to rest my thumb somewhere else, even adding a battery pack to the camera did not help. I finally loaned the camera to my son-in-law who returned it after he purchased a Canon SX-50 HS and the camera is now going to one of our rescue group volunteers to help he shoot rescue portraits.

    Another thing I have never been troubled with is erroneously shifting the mode dial. Some later cameras (I think the 7Dii) have a lock for the mode dial but, I don't need that.

    A real handy thing to have in your camera bag is a cheat-sheet. I used to make my own but, now simply purchase one that is printed on sturdy and water resistant stock. The cheat-sheet will help if something weird (like the locking Quick Dial) happens while you are out in the field shooting!

  12. #12

    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    I never use the top LCD of the 70D either. It is far too small and I have poor near vision too.

  13. #13

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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    Sorry for being a bit late Donald. I have a Canon 70D like Dave has and he already explained about the switch for locking

    PS.I don't look at the threads in this section very often, that's why I have just seen your thread.
    Last edited by bnnrcn; 2nd February 2016 at 06:03 PM.

  14. #14
    Dr Bob's Avatar
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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    Add me to the club of accidental "lock" flip switchers on the 7D. I agree with rp, it's not something I use or want on the camera. Heck, I didn't even know I had it.

    Dr Bob

  15. #15
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Bob View Post
    Add me to the club of accidental "lock" flip switchers on the 7D. I agree with rp, it's not something I use or want on the camera. Heck, I didn't even know I had it.
    I knew it was there, Bob, but was never (am still not) clear about its purpose. Best to just ignore it!

  16. #16

    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    The Canon 60D has been more insidious: the lock is a button (rather than a switch) that is on unless you press it off each time you want to use the wheel. It took me a while to figure that out (should have read the manual but at about 500p...) I eventually turned the feature off from the menu and it has never been an issue since.

    I note that the 80D has an prominent switch, rather than a button, to perform the same function.
    Last edited by Tronhard; 1st March 2016 at 06:09 PM.

  17. #17
    Doctor Doog's Avatar
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    Re: A technical query for the Canon owners

    I always wondered what that switch was for.

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