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Thread: Smile and put your ears up!

  1. #1

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    Smile and put your ears up!

    I commented to Kay in another post that it's awfully hard to get everything to "click" when photographing animals and people together. The photo below, from this past Sunday, would be an example

    The very laid back, relaxed horse is "The Highlander", aka Markus, and his owner Lisa. After clicking and clucking and trying to get him to put his ears up (in a nice, attentive pose) while Lisa was trying to hold her own smile, we gave up. As he stood there, half asleep in the sun, we decided to give his ears a little help It's now one of my favourite photos.

    Smile and put your ears up!


  2. #2
    Petracsr's Avatar
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    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    I love the look on his face!


  3. #3
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritimer1 View Post
    I commented to Kay in another post that it's awfully hard to get everything to "click" when photographing animals and people together. The photo below, from this past Sunday, would be an example

    The very laid back, relaxed horse is "The Highlander", aka Markus, and his owner Lisa. After clicking and clucking and trying to get him to put his ears up (in a nice, attentive pose) while Lisa was trying to hold her own smile, we gave up. As he stood there, half asleep in the sun, we decided to give his ears a little help It's now one of my favourite photos.

    Smile and put your ears up!

    Classic! - I have been asking the kids what it means when the horses ears are a certain way and trying to get the right 'attitude' - some parents last week when we were doing team shots after the comp' were flicking coats in front of the horses face and all sorts....this looks a much better solution!
    and thanks Myra for your other reply

  4. #4

    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    I don't know much about horses but surely you need to make a noise just before taking the shot in order to get his attention and move his ears. Clapping loudly?

  5. #5

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    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    Love the photo Myra. Having tried the whole clicking, throwing grass etc etc to get the ears forward, the only way my showjumpers will guarantee to oblige and put their ears forward is either stand in front of a show jump or we now carry a literal carrot on the end of the stick - works every time !! (Am thinking of getting my sister to run round the showjump course in front with the stick to encourage the novices to jump!! - now how am I going to ride and get that photo at the same time?

  6. #6
    Klickit's Avatar
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    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Clapping loudly?
    .....might just send a half asleep horse into orbit.

  7. #7

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    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    Rob, this guy is all business over the jumps, but when just standing around he likes to conserve his energy (as you can tell by the sleepy eyes). My own horse will flick her ears forward at almost anything and does tend to go into orbit, as Kit pointed out could happen, when startled. They're all different Petra, he is just one big puppy dog to work around.

    Kay, another problem with ears is that horses use them like antenae. Sometimes you will see one foreward and the other a bit back. That often indicates that they are listening to their rider's cues. Knowing that doesn't help the overall picture, though, as that's not what people want. Out in the field, when they're showing attitude with their pasture mates, you can get some neat shots of ears flattened right back (anger or dominance) usually accompanied by a "don't mess with me" look in their eyes.

    Annette, that's a funny mental image! Reminds me of the old Thelwell pony illustrations


  8. #8

    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    Nice work Myra. That is a real eeyore look. The horse that is.


  9. #9
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    The 1 morsel of advice I can share that I have learnt so far on my journey into the world of Inter-school competitions is.......Never stand too close to a pony with an apple in your pocket

  10. #10
    Think's Avatar
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    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    Expression accurately

  11. #11
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Re: Smile and put your ears up!

    I think its a great story and great photo. I'm really impressed with your exposure. It looks like blazing sunshine and you've got a white turtle neck, next to a black jacket, evergreens in the background, brown horse w/white snout...and yet Lisa's eyes are visible under the brim of the helmet. Well done

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