Last edited by Tronhard; 2nd February 2016 at 06:15 AM.
Is it looking up at the roof of a cave?
Hi Rachel:
Thank you for your excellent suggestion, but no cigar...
Upside down shot of snow covered conifers?
I was waiting for a better hint than that - how about a coloured version.
Hi Paul:
Actually it IS in colour!
OK if you want a better clue...
View the image close up and look carefully at the shapes of the repetitive elements. What is often at the end of them?
It's all about timing.
Frozen waterfall
A wet mop. Are we in a car wash?
Robin you are SO close!!!!!!!!!!
TIP: It is frozen, but not as one might think...
Last edited by Tronhard; 2nd February 2016 at 10:24 AM.
Bonjour Janis:
Nice to meet you Janis - are you in Quebec?
I can see the logic for your suggestion, but no. See Robin's suggestion
Hi Tony:
I love Brisbane, but not so much at this time of the year. I stayed there in July when it was nice, warm and dry!
But I digress.. See my comments to Robin
Is this a top of a black car that got frosted over a windy night?
Did you have a sprinkler or fountain going on a frosty morning?
Good thought but no.
Clue nothing is physically frozen - it doesn't get that cold!
Gidday again Paul;
TIP: it's in Auckland so it doesn't actually freeze (as I know you are aware)
Last edited by Tronhard; 2nd February 2016 at 10:23 AM.
Mmmm... hadn't expected that one. Nope
TIP: The object is at ambient temperature which was around 20degC at the time.
What makes something appear frozen if it is not actually cold???