She'd be an eejit not to.....and I am sure that as a friend of yours ..she's not that.
It is elegant, beautifully balanced and a delight to observe.
Great work Donald.
When viewed at full screen size the fine detail of those sheep becomes more apparent.
Excellent !
Nicely done, very artistic.
This is superb. I always enjoy your images but I think this is my favourite
I'm always amazed at your images, stark, austere, minimalist, B&W yet somehow always complete. I've seen many of your images but your winter images are second to none. You do justice to a place and time that others would overlook, or at least underestimate. I can't even begin to image your success when you get to Yosemite.
YOu are so good at this kind of medium, black and white. This is a beautiful serene scenery...though I would rather they are grass more than snow...
Thank you for all those comments above.
I think there is very much something about getting to know a location so well that you can see possible images (according to season, light, etc) even when you're not in that location.
Those of you who have seen my images over the past 3-4 years, have seen that wall and those trees on many occasions. This is less that a mile from my house and is something I see almost every day (whether I have a camera with me or not) when I'm out walking my dog. I've re-posted some examples from the past.
The moral of the tale is - Never accept that because you've made one pic from a location, that that's you done with that location.
hmmmm... i am not that happy about the first one, because the bright whiteness ask my eyes to withdraw...but i am really fascinated by the next set , not just to compensate, but really awesome set...the slight ash tint of the sky or the dark shade of the Earth makes the difference.....
Your first and third images in this thread get my vote Donald. With the initial image getting first place.
I hope I interpret Donald correctly here..but it is not about choosing a favourite image...or rating them in that way.
Rather it's about the various opportunities thrown up by a place, the arrangement of trees, walls, hills...that is ongoing and versatile. Inevitably some will connect with certain seasons...certain moods....but it is the place in ALL of its aspects that unites to make ..not just a single image..but a whole series of them.
Wonderful first image for all the reasons already mentioned and a wonderful lesson demonstrated by the next series of images.
In the first image, are the sheep burrowing through the snow to get to the land or are they finding things to eat in the snow itself?
I've kept coming back to this thread all day befor commenting on it - I have nothing to add in my comments apart from to say that I love the first image. It's the simplicity of the composition, the space in the sky, and the harshness of the conditions with those sheep who seem quite at home.
If I was processing the image I would have been desperately trying to pull detail in the sky, and so I hope I can learn from this about finding what the image needs, and no more.
Quote (If I was processing the image I would have been desperately trying to pull detail in the sky, and so I hope I can learn from this about finding what the image needs, and no more.) End quote
That is a lesson we all need to learn. I sure as hell do.
My instant reaction was 'where is the soaring eagle'? My second reaction was 'it isn't needed.'
I'm tempted to call this a minimalist shot but I don't think it is. It isn't even subtle. All I can really say is that for the first time in a very long time I am wishing I was in another location.
One of the disadvantages of being a competition nut (for which I have now taken the cure) is that views tend to be conditioned by judges comments. It's almost certain that in finding something to say about this image, that is the comment that inevitable would be made - quite wrongly, as many have pointed out. Another nice study Donald and good advice. I tend to believe that going somewhere new is what inspires me. Perhaps I should look closer to home.
It's interesting that I went through exactly the same thought process when I saw that first image. At first sight, there are just a few dots and lines but when you look closer there is actually quite a lot of detail. In any case, it was to me a very striking image even compared with others of yours.