I have been gradually making just a few images over a long period of time pertaining to my wine hobby that display a blatant incongruity in the scene. This image is my latest one made in that style.
Though the composition is simple, it was actually quite difficult to light the scene to make everything happen as I wanted. The expectations that were important to me were:
- Very soft shadows
- The uppermost side of the shiny metal would be bright
- The round shape and "hills and valleys" of the screw cap would be revealed
- The black corkscrew would be separated at a glance from the background even though both are quite dark
- Despite that that the corkscrew handle is the same color throughout, all of its levels would be revealed
- An angular vignette in the corners would be produced by the lighting as much as would be reasonably practical as a matter of discipline and for learning purposes. (I accomplished that only in the top corners; the vignette in the bottom corners was created during post-processing.)
The tabletop is charcoal presentation paper. The main light fitted with a diffusion sock is a medium continuous-light lamp positioned close to the subject and relatively low in the top right area. (The close position and diffusion sock created the soft shadows. The low position raked light across the screw cap to reveal its "hills and valleys." The shiny metal is bright because the lamp is within the family of angles of that area of the scene; that brightness is a mirror-like reflection of the direct light.) That lamp is flagged to produce the angular vignette in the top corners. A reflector in the bottom left area brightens the areas of the subjects that are opposite the main light. A small continuous-light lamp in the bottom right area fitted with a diffusion sock and a sheet of diffusion material defines the shape of the red handle by adding at least a hint of direct reflection to the edge of its entire length. (The two layers of diffusion material were used to reduce the brightness of the light, not to diffuse it.)