Tarara Winery is located in northern Virginia less than an hour's drive from my home. They make a favorite wine of mine, a white wine blended typically with several grape species. The primary species is Rkatsiteli, a grape that originated in eastern Europe's Georgia about 3000 BC. Though not a well-known species, it's grown there and in other eastern European countries today as well as the eastern seaboard of the U.S. Though Virginia's rapidly growing wine industry seems to be most highly regarded for its Viognier, I've noticed recently that apparently more and more wineries are making wine from Rkatsiteli grapes. Based on this wine made by Tarara, I can easily imagine Virginia's wine industry carving out a niche for itself based on the Rkatsiteli grapes.
Notice that unlike most screw caps, the exterior of this one is perfectly smooth.
The tabletop is textured, partially translucent paper on top of black presentation paper that shows through the translucent areas of the top layer of paper. A medium continuous-light lamp on the right side is flagged to prevent direct reflections from occurring in the bottle and to darken certain areas of the tabletop. A small continuous-light lamp on the left is shining through white presentation paper to add just the right amount of light. A polarizer was used to eliminate most of the glare in the textured areas of the tabletop.