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Thread: Teenagers, not so different after all.

  1. #1
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Teenagers, not so different after all.

    I have often wanted to have a go at street photography and really admire what others post here.
    John in particularly always gives me something to think about.
    This wasn't what I had the camera ready for here, I was recording the bushfire devastation, but as I looked to the beach, a group of women and girls were enjoying the day on a lawn area with some shade.
    All were wearing various items of clothing consistent with Muslim faith dress as opposed to more traditional Australian beach wear.
    Then I saw a teenager sitting away from the group, taking a 'selfie' perhaps for her friends on 'snapchat' & I smiled, thinking regardless of what we wear, maybe we aren't really so different after all.

    Photography wise, I cropped her feet off doh! but thought I would share anyway.

    Teenagers, not so different after all.

  2. #2
    Steaphany's Avatar
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    Re: Teenagers, not so different after all.

    Wearing black in the Aussie Summer heat ?

  3. #3

    Re: Teenagers, not so different after all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steaphany View Post
    Wearing black in the Aussie Summer heat ?
    Wearing black clothing has some thermodynamic benefits actually: this from the Naked Science Forum:
    "-It has to do with insulation and circulation. White clothes let the radiation through, black absorbs it. The black will create convection between the layer of cloth and your skin. The warm air will raise, finding its way out to become replaced by cooler air, so in a way it's a natural air-conditioning. But the clothes have to be 'baggy' and loose fitting for this to work. Most of the girl's headdress is loose fitting, allowing the convection cycle to work. If you look at the traditional dress of the Toureg, desert-dwellers of North Africa, who live is considerable heat, they often wear dark colours, including black, as per the attached image of a Toureg woman from Wikipedia:
    Teenagers, not so different after all.

    Then there are cultural reasons - like Kiwis, the neighbours of the Aussies, whose national colour (or lack thereof) is black - and it can get warm there too!

  4. #4

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    Re: Teenagers, not so different after all.


    I do believe all people have a lot in common. The selfie seems to be a universal gesture and you have captured that here well at a very cute moment.


  5. #5

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    Re: Teenagers, not so different after all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    Wearing black clothing has some thermodynamic benefits actually...
    Great sounding theory. Easy enough to test. Wrap up in a black beach towel, tightly fitted around the head/face like the subject traditional garb. Go out in the hot sun for half an hour. Repeat the exercise with white towel. You decide

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Teenagers, not so different after all.

    Cell phones are definitely ubiquitous with the youth all over the world.

    I remember the last time we were in India, the president was lamenting that there were many more cell phones in his country than indoor toilets (he's on a sanitation kick).

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Teenagers, not so different after all.

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    I have often wanted to have a go at street photography and really admire what others post here.
    John in particularly always gives me something to think about.
    This wasn't what I had the camera ready for here, I was recording the bushfire devastation, but as I looked to the beach, a group of women and girls were enjoying the day on a lawn area with some shade.
    All were wearing various items of clothing consistent with Muslim faith dress as opposed to more traditional Australian beach wear.
    Then I saw a teenager sitting away from the group, taking a 'selfie' perhaps for her friends on 'snapchat' & I smiled, thinking regardless of what we wear, maybe we aren't really so different after all.

    Photography wise, I cropped her feet off doh! but thought I would share anyway.

    Teenagers, not so different after all.
    Good attempt, I'd just crop to the fabric and it'll look fine. The black fabric does allow airflow as Trev noted and the proof lies in the person's look; if you see a lot of perspiration then the clothing's not working.

  8. #8

    Re: Teenagers, not so different after all.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Great sounding theory. Easy enough to test. Wrap up in a black beach towel, tightly fitted around the head/face like the subject traditional garb. Go out in the hot sun for half an hour. Repeat the exercise with white towel. You decide
    I would avoid a beach towel... use thin cotton materials to allow the thermodynamic flow and then I'd say go for it! Or.. just look up a document on the Toureg...
    Last edited by Tronhard; 7th February 2016 at 10:20 AM.

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