I exclude myself from that general "we", Manfred. As a Sigma raw shooter, I concern myself
greatly with "the exposure" which, for me, means a first step of reviewing the raw histogram in RawDigger. That is where I look at, especially, the highlights as they relate to the scene and decide the unacceptable shots as they relate to under/over exposure.
Some might find that a little extreme but Sigmas are not exactly dripping with dynamic range, unfortunately, which makes us work much harder than
Canonistas for our masterpieces
Arguable. Some scenes can call for such clipping, I reckon. Product shot backgrounds or sunsets, for example. Or, when it is unavoidable - shiny motor cycle chrome in sunlight or flash, for example.
Based on my foregoing, overexposure as seen in a raw histogram is, to me, unrecoverable, unacceptable and is rarely done deliberately. It is of course quite possible that "overexposing" means something different to your good self than it does to me.
Please excuse me if I don't join the EC crowd. With Sigmas, EC stays in place until you change it and I forget it quite easily.
Being accustomed to manual shooting, I do screw up less often - but lately I've taken to five-shot bracketing important shots (rather than taking five separate shots manually).
(Bracketing in Sigmas
is available in Manual mode, where it varies the shutter speed only.)
Drifting off a little, I also shoot only at ISO 160 on the SD1 Merrill because a) that is closest to ISO's saturation-based method giving a 1/2-stop headroom in their standard scene and because b) the SD1 Merrill is ISO-less, which means that the raw data always
matches the actual exposure - irrespective of the ISO setting, because there is no ISO in-camera amplification. No so-called "exposure triangle" for me
Pardon my pedantry.