People here keep talking as if raw data can not be shown on a screen as a picture, in spite of the fact I've done it twice already - once for Foveon and once for Bayer. That is to say, I have already shown that a recognizable image
can be rendered from raw data on-screen.
In the closed world of "shoot raw - develop in proprietary converter - edit as required", no - what is seen on screen is not the raw data and that is probably what people are driving at.
But one of our members made a false statement and
that was what I was addressing, no more that. I am satisfied that I have proved that raw data can be shown as a picture without conversion of any kind other than scaling and (for Bayer) averaging the greens.
Indeed, the gentleman from Nederland himself has changed his false statement to:
"A RAW-file is not a picture
as we want to see." (my emphasis).
Which implies that he is now in agreement
I still say a picture is a picture - and discussion of it's quality or desirability in this context is just classic forum obfuscation.