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Thread: Guiding travelling members Forum????

  1. #1

    Guiding traveling members Forum????

    I just read a post by Kyle in the Nature Forum. He was traveling to B.C. and got ripped off when someone broke into his car. Thinking of his misadventures I had a thought that it might be nice to start a forum where members of CIC could contact people where they are going with a view to meeting up (not staying with necessarily!) and getting a local's guide to the best places to visit and when. I have done this with people I know in NZ and it has worked out well.

    I guess it would work out like this...
    Someone posts where and when they are traveling and what kind of things they want to photograph
    A local responds and suggests places of interest and some titbits of local knowledge of how and when to get good shots
    (it could end there...)
    They agree to meet and spend some time enjoying each others' company and taking great photos together
    One goes away with great pix, one goes away with a great feeling of having done something good
    They both go away with a positive vibe and maybe a new friendship!

    What you you think?????
    Last edited by Tronhard; 9th February 2016 at 04:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    Trev - most members post where they live and there is nothing to prevent them from contacting one another.

    I ended up doing this just over a year ago, when Raj (Fotugraphy) and I met up in New Delhi when I was there for a few days. When I did a tour around Lake Superior last fall, I consulted a member who lives in Minnesota, Randy (rtbaum) about timing and places to shoot. A couple of members have contacted me about meeting up in Ottawa, but the timings didn't work out. In one case, I was not available in another the planned trip did not come off. I have some standing offers to get together if I'm in the area where they live (and of course a reciprocal offer on my side).

    I'm definitely aware of some other members getting together when traveling and their paths crossing. So the tools to do this are already in place. I don't think we are a travel photography site, so formally adding this functionality is questionable, but informally, the opportunities to do so are in place and are being used.

  3. #3

    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    Hi Manfred:

    Good to know - I am glad that it IS happening, if informally. Ideas cost nothing and some are worth even less!

  4. #4

    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    I think it would be a good idea to have a list of people who are willing to either meet up or at least provide some local intell. I have a list of tourist/photographic attractions that I send to any friends who are visiting Hong Kong.

  5. #5
    Chayelle's Avatar
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    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    I think this is a good idea. Yet, even broadening this thought a bit:
    I love reading travel forum postings...
    People will often ask about what equipment is needed in certain places,
    which I find very helpful, even if I am not traveling to that particular place.
    Also discussed is travel means: flying, trains and so on, and what one might encounter...
    My two cents.....


  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    A car break-in can happen anywhere; even in your own hometown. Even traveling and meeting up with a forum member's not going to prevent that from happening. True, there is safety in numbers, but as some forum members have noted; photography can be a single endeavor best done when have the world to yourself. Whenever I travel to a new place I always check the Frommer's website for safety tip, the website can be a good source of where and where not to venture alone.

  7. #7

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    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    As Manfred said, the idea is good and it already happens here on CIC. No need for a specific forum. The community lounge already provides a spot. I think every time discussion of adding forums comes up we eventually more or less agree that the current simplicity of CIC is preferable to more forums and therefore less clarity on where to post things. My two cents.

  8. #8
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    I have done this on a couple of occasions, and have another one coming up in May. At least two of those were spontaneously offered by the other members, so I suggest if you see someone say they are heading your way, make an offer.


  9. #9

    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    A car break-in can happen anywhere; even in your own hometown. Even traveling and meeting up with a forum member's not going to prevent that from happening. True, there is safety in numbers, but as some forum members have noted; photography can be a single endeavor best done when have the world to yourself. Whenever I travel to a new place I always check the Frommer's website for safety tip, the website can be a good source of where and where not to venture alone.

    What you say about security is absolutely right. When I read the original post I knew I could not have done anything about security, but the fact that another CIC member was in my home town (well, one of them) made me think I could have offered him some home turf advantage on what and when to photograph, hence my post. I am glad it has piqued some interest.

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    Trev, I announced plans (not formulated in granite as yet) to visit the Washington, DC area and one of the membersvolunteered to guide me through at night.

    Donald, is traveling to California later this year and we have plans (again not carved in granite) to join forces and rent a tour boat around the lake.

    However, having a section in which members volunteer their services might place them in jeopardy. I would trust any of our known members but, would not necessarily trust a styranger who came on the site...

  11. #11

    Re: Guiding traveling members Forum????

    That's interesting... So how did you announce the plans to visit WA? I mean did you put a post, send private messages or something else?

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