I have been reading a lot about one camera occasionally not matching another camera at the same ISO/exposure. One camera can possible under/over expose shooting at the same f/stop and shutter and with the same ISO while the first camera provides correct exposure.
I have noticed that my new (used) Canon 5D seems to underexpose about 1/3 to 1/2 stop compared to my 7D cameras. I am wondering if this is a factor of individual cameras or a factor of camera models/brands as a whole. In other words, would several 5D cameras expose differently from each other or would it just be that one model (like the 5D) be different from another model (like the 7D).
My 7D cameras both expose pretty well on the button (using the same exposure and ISO) and when I switched from a 40D to the 7D, I did not notice any difference in ISO.
This is no big problem in shooting still imagery but, could possible be a problem when shooting video with a two camera setup with plans to cut the shots together in the final production.
I have not done a test (just another thing on my to-do list)...