Still running a day behind!
Whilst shooting a sunset scene earlier on in the month I met a photographer and young Mum by the name of Tosca - She was curious to see my studio at some stage, so I gave her my card and finally caught up with her again today. She was keen to learn how to get white backgrounds so I setup the lighting to show her, along with a few other shooting and processing techniques that I use - and she's kindly agreed to let me use one of the morning's test shots as my Photo of the Day.
It's not been fully retouched - just a bit of softening to demonstrate a few techniques, so be gentle with me!
Beautiful shot, Colin.
Thank you, Radu. They are rather tame, now. They lost the first clutch, so I was very pleased when they came back to raise the second clutch.
Those are some great colors, Pops! And cooperative models - I see what you mean about tame.
If that's a test shot, Colin, I'd like to see the finished product. I see what you mean about getting it right in the camera.
You always will be ahead of meUnless you coming here or I go there. Than, we would be at the same time
This image is great again Colin.It deserves to be posted ... you know where don't you ?
My image of the day. Poor picture I know but I couldn't - or was not capable of - doing something better.
Hi Rick,
Thanks for that. In all honesty, it's just a throw-away shot (surprising as it might seem); I was showing Tosca how I build the lighting (background lights, key light, fill reflector etc), so I took a few shots with my camera so that I could show her the results on the 40" LED TV I use for tethered shooting. Tosca uses a Nikon and I only had the Canon EOS Utility loaded for tethering, so we couldn't display her shots ... so when I was happy with the lighting I put the skyport transmitter on her camera and she took a few dozen shots of her kids (jpeg) where it's very much "in camera"