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Thread: Lightroom and Nikon D3300

  1. #21

    Join Date
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    Re: Lightroom and Nikon D3300

    Thanks for your confirmation, Dan.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    you MUST create a catalog to use LR at all.
    True, but to clarify matters, one can do as I do. Once I adjust the image in Lightroom, I export the image file and remove the initially imported image from the catalog. I don't use the catalog for any purpose other than gaining access to Lightroom's image-editing tools, except as noted below, which means that I also have never learned how to use Lightroom as a catalog. (Very much like the only way my wife uses our kitchen: to walk through it as she gets from the carport to the rest of the house. )

    By the way, Lightroom has a capability that Photoshop does not have -- the Book module that can be used to automatically assemble the book and send it to Blurb for printing or to create a PDF of the book. Standalone free software can be downloaded from Blurb to accomplish the same tasks, but I found Lightroom's Book module to be more powerful. That was a long time ago, so I don't remember why I felt that way. It's also possible that Blurb has improved their standalone version.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 23rd February 2016 at 04:57 PM.

  2. #22
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom and Nikon D3300

    it would make much better sense to simply us ACR as RAW converter and do the rest in PS.
    I'm not sure. So long as you stay in ACR, you have a naturally non-destructive workflow. Once you move to PS, I think it gets rather more complicated (but I am a PS novice!)


  3. #23
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom and Nikon D3300

    A sensible choice Ginny. I have and still use four Nikon DSLRs of varying vintages and all my images are processed to my great satisfaction in LR with the odd foray into PS. I really would steer clear of Nikon software as others have said. It doesn't cut the mustard and isn't worth the time spent learning it. Now LR on the hand ...

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