Awesome shot, Javier.
Great capture, Javier!
You have surely expressed the adage that timing is everything.
I really like this shot. It is the epitome of boyhood. Somehow I just cannot see a little girl doing this. Perhaps I am wrong.
I tried cropping the image a bit on image right and like it. However, what made a difference is applying the Viveza Structure Slide. This not only sharpened the image a bit but, for some reason seems to have opened the shadows also..
It was usch a difference that I posted it. I hope you don't mind...
Such a marvelous image for all the reasons already mentioned.
I agree with Richard that the image needs to be sharpened a bit at least when downsized as displayed here (perhaps not in the full-size image). However, I would not apply any form of sharpening to the skin; I would apply it to everything else in the scene.
As the others have said, great shot. I'm not sure what the swirling light coloured mass is on the right hand side of the image, but I do find it a bit distracting.
What a cutie!
A well captured moment.
Very nice