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Thread: PP Workflow query

  1. #21
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: PP Workflow query

    This option is not usually available in third party raw processors eg Adobe.
    "Camera styles (?)" are available in Lightroom for some cameras, they were for my Canon, but not for others like my Panasonic, though presumably they have been reverse engineered and will not replicate the manufacturer's exactly.


  2. #22
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: PP Workflow query

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    "Camera styles (?)" are available in Lightroom for some cameras, they were for my Canon, but not for others like my Panasonic, though presumably they have been reverse engineered and will not replicate the manufacturer's exactly.

    Yes Dave i believe they are Adobe's attempt to re-create the manufacturer's profiles. As far as I'm aware, they only do colour/tone adjustment and don't cover things such as in-camera sharpening and noise reduction.


  3. #23

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    Re: PP Workflow query

    Quote Originally Posted by dje View Post
    Yes Dave i believe they are Adobe's attempt to re-create the manufacturer's profiles. As far as I'm aware, they only do colour/tone adjustment and don't cover things such as in-camera sharpening and noise reduction.

    A long time ago, I wanted to make some profiles for an old Sigma SD9. At the time, I wanted to use Elements 6 which I still have on a CD. First, I had to update ACR to 5.4 the last possible version for Elements 6. Anyway, the task proved to impossible for reasons unrelated to this post. But I did discover that ACR had several sets of profiles - some for actual camera models but also some Adobe generic ones. As you say above, the sharpening always came up the same for any camera - from memory, amount 25, radius 1, detail 0, mask 0. NR settings were always the same too.

    OT but, with the Sigma, there was nowhere I could place Sigma profiles on the HD that caused ACR to find them; it always came up "embedded" under the 'camera' tab. Adobe . . . gotta luv 'em

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