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Thread: problem with white balance in customed camera

  1. #1

    problem with white balance in customed camera

    hi guys,
    I've recently removed my internal IR/UV blocking filter from my 600D canon, to take normal photos ive bought a round IR/UV cut filter, but the result is not good, i get magneta coloured pictures, what should i do about it beside using softwares?

    p.s. im new to this community, ive been reading and learning from this site a lot, but now because of my problem ive decided to sign up and sorry if i made mistakes in my english (its not my first language)

  2. #2
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: problem with white balance in customed camera

    Which filter have you bought?

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: problem with white balance in customed camera

    In your camera, mostly you need not set any white balance, as the normal procedure with a DSLR is to save a RAW image, which is imported to a RAW processor, where you can set WB.

    I don't know whether you are familiar with setting custom WB in the camera, but it is a rather simple procedure, provided you have a white reference. You can have several WB images on the memory card, to set your custom WB for different kinds of light. The procedure is to take a photo of the white reference in the light you wish to set it for, save that image and set the custom white balance for it.

    On my old 10D I always have a few such WB images, where I wrote what kind of light I had used on the white reference. Hence I only needed to find the tungsten WB image to set for tungsten, and the daylight one for daylight, as well as a flash WB image for the flash (which is different from the one in firmware, the camera setting for strobe causes images to be bluish).

  4. #4

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    Re: problem with white balance in customed camera

    The internal filter that you removed is matched to the sensor. No filter is 100% cut, and different UV filters will certainly pass different amounts of UV. There are of course many different IR filters, with planned cut off wavelengths across a wide range.
    This will mean that different amounts of non-visual light will hit the sensor. In turn the filters in the Bayer array will pass different amounts of non-visable light. This will give the colour cast.
    However this cast is not due to colour temperature, more akin to that from discontinous lightsources, such as some fluorsecent tubes which often give green or magenta casts.

  5. #5
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: problem with white balance in customed camera

    I have no direct experience with this effect but, like loosecanon, my guess is that the external filter has a different roll-off characteristic to that of the internal filter that you removed. This will affect the sensitivity of the camera system at the red end of the spectrum. This means that the R,G asd B multipliers use by the in-camera processing will be wrong. It seems to me that the only solution is to shoot raw and adjust White balance in software. Are you using Photoshop or Lightroom ?

    If a White Balance adjustment alone can't fix it, you may find you need to produce your own colour profile for the camera to be used in PS or LR. This would require the purchase of a colourchecker card.


  6. #6

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    Re: problem with white balance in customed camera

    Quote Originally Posted by mtfkltr View Post
    hi guys,
    I've recently removed my internal IR/UV blocking filter from my 600D canon, to take normal photos ive bought a round IR/UV cut filter, but the result is not good, i get magneta coloured pictures, what should i do about it beside using softwares?

    p.s. im new to this community, ive been reading and learning from this site a lot, but now because of my problem ive decided to sign up and sorry if i made mistakes in my english (its not my first language)
    In your position a quick fix for you might be to shoot with the camera set to Incandescent/Tungsten WB and complete your processing with the color-picker on a neutral area.

    I use Incandescent on my Sigma DSLR for both IR and full-spectrum shots because it helps with LCD review image somewhat.

    (I've never tried a UV/IR cut filter because on the Sigmas the built-in filter is easily popped in or out with the thumbnail.)

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