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Thread: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    Almost everything about the photo shown below is opposite to the approach I used to make a photo of the same egg yesterday posted here. I left the egg in place for a full day and was happily surprised to see today that the thinnest parts of the egg white had completely dried, become hard, and were filled with all sorts of interesting shapes that reflected the light in a beautiful way I would never have imagined. The yolk had also spread out at the bottom and the result was an interesting two-tier shape.

    I decided that the new characteristics would look best when photographed using a black background, so I made the photo shown below. That decision about the background also made it seem natural to use a much more dramatic look when lighting the image rather than the subtle look of the first photo.

    Another big change has to do with the thick area of egg white that is close to the yolk. In the other photo with the white background, I digitally removed all of the very tiny bubbles in that area because they were defined in dark tones that made them look like dust or unattractive imperfections in the tabletop; they didn't look like bubbles when the full-size file was displayed at anything less than 100%. When making this photo, those tiny bubbles are defined in bright tones that are very attractive when displayed at any size. So, I didn't remove them.

    The tabletop is a thin piece of glass suspended 5 1/2 inches above black foam core to throw the foam core out of focus. Another piece of black foam core on the top side of the frame and perpendicular to the tabletop rises above the scene to ensure that nothing on that side of the room beyond the scene is reflected in the glass. The first capture was made with a medium continuous light lamp above the scene on the left side. A second capture was made with the same lamp above the scene to light the yolk the way I wanted it. The two photos were merged.

    Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 22nd February 2016 at 12:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    Very dynamic capture, perhaps more recognizable for those who use cast iron cookware. Never saw my morning eggs looking so artistic.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Tony Watts

    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    That's nice. Now how about a time lapse as it cooks.

  4. #4

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    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    The tiny bubbles against the black background remind me of the night sky - with a couple of comet trails thrown in.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Abbotsford, BC Canada

    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    I much prefer this to the other one that you posted. The extra drama does it for me.
    A dramatic picture of an egg, who would have thought?

  6. #6
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    Another eggsample of how an egg will look like before it is cooked. Very nice. I agree with John here...who would have thought?

  7. #7
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    Eggactly. Very nice image Mike.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    Thank you, everyone!

    The dried residue was surprisingly difficult to clean off the glass.

  9. #9

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    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    Yes, the black BG works much better , I like it

  10. #10

    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Another eggsample of how an egg will look like before it is cooked. Very nice. I agree with John here...who would have thought?
    I wonder how many yolks we can get out of this one... it could become over-cooked

    It oddly reminds me of 2001 A Space Odyssey... the yolk is like something one saw when Dave the astronaut is pulled through the black hole: one can see through to stars beyond. On the out layer the stars are sill moving...
    Perhaps I shouldn't have watched it recently, it must be messing with my mind!

    or.. perhaps I need breakfast!
    Last edited by Tronhard; 22nd February 2016 at 10:19 PM.

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Re: Egg in the raw -- Take 2 (black background)

    Beautiful peace of artwork. The dried areas do reflect light in a wonderful way.
    The whole image kind of reminds me of an aerial view of a coastline.


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