My partner has decided to nurture Monarch butterflies.
Apparently that has meant buying several types of plants, pots and other expensive stuff; placing caterpillars on said herbage and then covering them over with a wasp-proof netting. All very good really. It seems to have worked as the caterpillar population has exploded and is furiously eating the host plants to extinction. With imminent overpopulation came the hard decision to let some of the little critters outside of the netting and let them fend for themselves. It was a situation worthy of Shrek himself: "Some of you may die, but that is a risk I am prepared to take!"
One such outcast has, for reasons unknown, positively blossomed (can one say that a caterpillar blossoms???). The wasps seem to ignore it while taking out the competition, which leads me to suspect that there is some kind of insect protection racket going on. In any case it has assumed significant proportions and while idly watching it chomp through life I thought I would shoot it - with my handy 15-85 (not particularly macro) lens. The image is cropped but otherwise pretty much untouched by human and likely insect hand. I am considering printing a large copy and putting it up beside the plant like a billboard - the wasps HAVE to see it then, unless they get scared off...