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Thread: tele-converters

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    hi everyone
    I own a nikkor 70-200 f:2.8 vrII for my D700 and i wonder if there is a soloution for that rare occasions (e.g. shooting the moon!) that 200 isnt enough . i dont know much about tele-converters but i think they are there for increasing the range to i dont know 400 maybe!
    another question is about the possibility for the information to be recorded on EXIF correctly, and of image quality of course! has anyone used them ?

  2. #2

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    Re: tele-converters

    Hi Omid,

    I use them with some of my Canon lenses; I can't speak for Nikon, but the principles will be the same.

    - yes, they extend the focal length of the lens - in Canon's case by either 1.4x or 2.0x

    - In theory they also degrade image quality slightly, although in my experience it depends a lot on the quality of the lens in the first place.

    - With Canon, Teleconverter use is entered as part of the EXIF data.

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: tele-converters

    I also use a 1.4x Canon TC with my 70-200mm f/4L IS and my 300mm f/4L IS lenses... I am quite happy with the results, however both these lenses are of top-notch quality. There is a slight (very slight) degrading of both image quality and A/F speed. However, these are not significant. On the other hand, I have tried a 2x TC and did not like the performance well enough to purchase one.

    The 1.4x TC increases the focal length by 1.4x (obviously) and requires a 1 stop increase in exposure. Canon crop format cameras (10D-50D and 7D) will not auto focus with an f/stop smaller than f/5.6 so, you cannot use the TC on a lens without a native f/stop of f/5.6 or smaller. As an example, I cannot use the TC on my 400mm f/5.6 lens and expect auto focus; because that would reduce my aperture to f/8; below what my crop cameras can auto focus using. I can use the 400mm f/5.6L in manual focus but, then I am working with an equivalent f/8 aperture which makes viewing the image quite dark and difficult (for me) to focus.

    I don't know how the addition of a TC would impact the auto focus capability of your Nikon equipment. I noticed that there are teleconverters available for Nikon lenses in 1.4x, 1.7x and 2x magnifications. Do a Google search using "Nikon Teleconverter" as your search parameters.

    I have not used any TC except the ones manufactured by Canon. I have no experience with other brands but, have heard good things about Kenko brand TC's. They are considerably less expensive than an OEM brand TC.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 7th August 2010 at 03:54 PM.

  4. #4

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    Re: tele-converters

    One other thing to beware. Some converters, like the Canon converters, will only fit on specific lenses due to the design of the converter. I'm not sure if there are any similar worries with Nikon equipment.

    However, I have tried using a Canon converter with a more basic non fit lens by inserting a 12 mm extension tube between the converter and the lens; for macro work. It worked, although I wasn't able to focus on infinity. But I wasn't really happy with the resulting quality.

    Using the same rig on a better quality Sigma macro lens produces better results but I rarely use it due to the loss of light. For macro photography, I normally use an aperture around F14.

  5. #5

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    Re: tele-converters

    thanks for info.
    I searched through the web and i realised that my lens is compatible with the converters TC-14 , 17 ,20 ( 1 , 1.5 , 2 f stops light loss respectively) , but to what extend each softens the image with my lens I cant say . does any one have any experience with those mentioned TCs? namely TC-20 II and III

  6. #6

    Re: tele-converters

    I've also got the 70-200mm nikkor 2.8 on my (cropped sensor) D300s and I have a 1.4 nikon TC, thus giving me a pseudo 420mm lens. For you that would be 280mm. I've been very happy with my TC; autofocus is very good, pictures sharp.

  7. #7
    Hans's Avatar
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    Re: tele-converters

    Have a look at some of these links for starters (you may need to scroll down to sections related to TCs). The Nikon TCs are designed for the AF-S lenses so no problem there. For Auto focus on AF lenses you can access generic teleconverters with varying quality. Generaly the TC-1.4 and TC-1.7 are considered good to excellent while TC-2.0 has mixed reviews.

    You own a D700 and a 70-200mm f2.8 VRII so $$$ probably aren't much of problem, however don't discount Kenko (Hoya) Pro 300 Teleconverters if you are wanting to save some money.

  8. #8
    eribeiro's Avatar
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    Re: tele-converters

    hi everyone. let me add another question here. has anyone tried canon's EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS with a 1.4 TC? how did the pics turn out? did i understand that at 250mm, due to the f loos i lose auto focus? tks

  9. #9
    Steaphany's Avatar
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    Re: tele-converters

    Quote Originally Posted by omidrezatabatabaie View Post
    hi everyone
    I own a nikkor 70-200 f:2.8 vrII for my D700 and i wonder if there is a soloution for that rare occasions (e.g. shooting the moon!) that 200 isnt enough . i dont know much about tele-converters but i think they are there for increasing the range to i dont know 400 maybe!
    Hi Omid,

    I know you started this thread on Teleconverters, but what is your main goal - a long focal length or add ons for your nikkor 70-200 ?

    The reason I ask is glancing at B&H Photo's page of Nikon Teleconverters shows prices starting at $299US
    ( B&H Photo Search:nikon teleconverters )

    Yet you can get a small telescope, helps with portability, for wildlife and astronomical applications, with a fair focal length for less than the low end Nikon name teleconverters. Of course you can also spend a lot more for a telescope, but remember that the larger it is the more hesitant you'll be about carting it around all the time.

    For my work, I went with an Orion 'scope with a 1250mm focal length. There are trade offs, fixed aperture, manual focus, no EXIF, but a shot of the Moon or Sun fills the frame. ( For Solar photography, you'll need a solar filter. )

  10. #10

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    Re: tele-converters

    Quote Originally Posted by eribeiro View Post
    has anyone tried canon's EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS with a 1.4 TC?
    Hi Eduardo,

    The Canon EF 1.4x extender series isn't compatible with any EF-S lenses.

  11. #11
    eribeiro's Avatar
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    Re: tele-converters

    Which means I almost made a mess Colin, tks.
    Is there a 1.4TC I can consider for that lens? I pretty much understood from opinions that with the 70-300, a budget zoom with no IS I should not even consider a TC. But with a stabilized lens, would a TC be acceptable? I do not shoot National Geographic pics, but don't want Smoggy pics either. Am I daydreaming?

  12. #12

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    Re: tele-converters

    I don't know if there is a 3rd party TC solution, but to be honest, I suspect that it's going to be an "uphill battle" with that lens. Personally, I wouldn't bother.

  13. #13

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    Re: tele-converters

    Eduardo, I have similar issues. I have 55-250 isand wanted more reach,I gave up auto focus bought cheap mirror lense and now I am saving for a longer cannon like maybe ef 300 f/4IS USM which should work well with cannon 1.4 TC. Mirrors are pretty cheap but hard to focus. My question to anybody is ; Do you know if the above lense & TC would work well for my cannon XS?

  14. #14
    eribeiro's Avatar
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    Re: tele-converters

    Tks Colin and James, I'll just start saving for an L series seems to be the best for long term.

  15. #15

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    Re: tele-converters

    Quote Originally Posted by jamn4ex View Post
    I am saving for a longer cannon like maybe ef 300 f/4IS USM which should work well with cannon 1.4 TC
    My question to anybody is ; Do you know if the above lense & TC would work well for my cannon XS?
    *Canon -v- Cannon (Note: All teleconverters are incompatible with Cannon products -- the glass gets shattered into tiny pieces when the ball of steel shoots out!)

    Yes - it'll work fine.

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    Re: tele-converters

    lol thanks Colin, that will teach me to spell better .

  17. #17

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    Re: tele-converters

    i used to own a sigma 50-500 with a sigma x2 teleconverter, i presumed once i bought a nikkor 70-200m that the sigma convertor would work on it,it did not and neither would the nikkor x2 work on the sigma, obviously the fittings that went into the camera body were the same but thats where it ended,
    the nikkor x2 with the 70-200 is great (full autofocus and exif) but i do get quite a bit of camera shake handheld, incidentally i bought the sigma x2 just to get some close ups of the moon, they were ok with nice detail but as Steaphany says nowhere near as good as a telescope,cheers martyn

  18. #18

    Re: tele-converters

    Hi everyone,
    I am going tobuy Nikon D3100 , which has got an AFS mount. I have got a tele lens Pentacon 4/200 AUTO 55-200mm lens of my previous SLR which has got a M42 mount. Presently my budget is overshoooting so souldn't go for an AFS 55-200 kens.

    Can I use my old lens with some kind of adapter, if yes what adapter will do the neccessary...can any give me ebay link of that.

    What are the consequences I may face regarding these.

    please help me to get through these as I amm going to buy my 1st dslr in the next week.
    Thanks in advance.

  19. #19
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: tele-converters

    There are two kinds of M42 -> Nikon F adapters out there, ones with glass elements and ones without. If you get one without, you will not be able to achieve focus to infinity on the lens (this is because the M42 mount-to-film distance was thinner than the Nikon F mount's, and you're essentially holding the lens farther away from the plane when you adapt it--this is like using an extension tube). This may be ok for portrait or macro work, but it can get frustrating.

    In order to focus to infinity, you will need an adapter with a glass element. This will act like a small teleconverter. You will increase the lens's focal length, and lose a little off the max. aperture and the lens sharpness. Most of these adapters are cheap and use cheap glass, so you want to bear that in mind.

    Or you could get a Canon T3 (1100D) or Pentax K-r instead , and get an M42 to EOS or M42 to Pentax K adapter ring. The EOS and K mounts are both thin enough in relation to M42 that a simple mechanical ring can be used, and you can still achieve focus to infinity, and unlike the D3100, you'd also retain metering.

  20. #20
    victor's Avatar
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    Re: tele-converters

    I have a Sigma 60 - 400mm zoom and their two converters. Neither gives auto focus as a norm but there is a fix out there on he www for obtaining A/F with 1.4. It can be found at the following address:

    I have tried it on EOS 50D and 7D and it works. I accept its a work around on an expensive bit of kit the tele-convertor but its made life easier !!

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