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Thread: Some far birdshots...for ID please...

  1. #1
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Chesterfield, Missouri/Melbourne, Australia
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    Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    I was having my drink (just water) on my deck and trying to get away from our kids (dogs) when I heard a commotion up my favourite oak tree. I stayed a bit not wanting to disturbed them then I quietly slipped away to go inside to get my camera praying that they won't go away...some others were flying nearby but these two (and then one) stayed on my tree...Can someone please help ID this (same bird/s) but this is very, very cropped as I only have my 70-300mm downstairs. My birdie camera is already in my carry-on...

    1 This is how far I was from my tree and bird/s...

    Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    2 two at a time...not clear enough...

    Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    3 I think this one is ID, I mean...

    Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    4 Another shot...

    Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    5 and another...

    Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    6 and the last one...

    Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    I think I have enough specimen here to be able to for the birdie people to ID this bird... 'Appreciate your help...BTW these are SOOC shots and no processing done apart from cropping and removing the ProPhoto colour space and I forgot to Unsharp Mask these so it is a little bit blurry though in my pooter, they are sharp. I used my "adult camera" this time around...Thank you.

    I am in a hurry..will be back later. Important day today.

  2. #2

    Re: Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    My guess is Red Shouldered Hawk.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    Nice efforts, I'm often forced to use unconventional methods to get shots like these.

  4. #4
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    Nice images.... but no IDea

  5. #5
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    Concur with Red-Shouldered Hawk

  6. #6
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Chesterfield, Missouri/Melbourne, Australia
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    Re: Some far birdshots...for ID please...

    Thank you, Jack, Nandy and Randy....
    Thanks John...if I get to edit these, it won't look as bad -- only my edit will be bad. This has been happening lately around here that I am scared for our little doggies...a corgi and a blue heeler. The look like vultures in the sky going around and around, perhaps looking for good. Hubby said they are after mice or rats...we have field mice sometimes but not rats. We have two legged rats though...

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