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Thread: Re: Shooting into the light V (five)

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Tulsa, OK
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    Larry Saideman

    Re: Shooting into the light V (five)

    Ahhh, one of my favorite motifs. With the sun being blocked but glowing, with the sun partially in the frame or at least its strong glow, with silhouettes but no actual sun, they are all good strategies and good pics. I am reminded of a series I did a few years ago shooting IBC Cream Soda bottles with each new lens that I bought. Looking back, several of them followed this motif. Here are three different sorts of these shooting into the light shots, if you don't mind:
    Sun behind the subject:
    Re: Shooting into the light V (five)
    Sun strong above the subject:
    Re: Shooting into the light V (five)
    Sun diminished in a wider sunset view:
    Re: Shooting into the light V (five)

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Shooting into the light V (five)

    Hi Larry,

    I hope you don't mind, but I have moved your post and pictures to a new thread, as that's what we've been doing in this series.

    Only fair I give some feedback ...

    #1 - I like, although it might have benefited from a small rotation.

    #2 - works least well for me; not sure if it is the different colour, or (more likely), because it is 'floating' within the image, whereas #1 looks to be sitting on the bottom edge of frame. In fact, if I play in LyteBox and move it down so the bottle sits at the bottom of my monitor, I do like this one too.

    #3 - I also like, although if mine, I'd have cloned out, or cropped off whatever is appearing in lower left corner.

    Hope those thoughts are helpful, Dave

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Tulsa, OK
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    Larry Saideman

    Re: Shooting into the light V (five)

    OMG! You gave me my own thread something I have avoided at all costs! OK. I will calm down. Your comments are fine. I just thought these pics illustrated the topic well not really what I would share in a standalone thread. I might follow your points if I were to reprocess these pics, particularly the straightening, but time moves on. By the way, I like the floating effect and purposely set out to make it that way. Sorry it does not float your bottle, or boat.
    Last edited by Brev00; 27th February 2016 at 03:46 AM.

  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Shooting into the light V (five)

    Larry, I saw a pic of a bottle in the internet sometime ago...or was that a glass? I can't remember now, but sunset is the best time to photograph that piece. Your examples here are very nice...and I like the pattern of the glass too. Good inspiration.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Shooting into the light V (five)

    Nice series.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Tulsa, OK
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    Larry Saideman

    Re: Shooting into the light V (five)

    Thanks Izzie and Shadowman! I look forward to one day buying another lens so I can continue the series. I still love IBC cream but indulge less often.

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