Great image, Colin - just goes to show you can get DOF with one of those full-frame camera thingees. Choose the right lens and distance, and voila! And you didn't need pinhole aperture, either. Very nice.
Great image, Colin - just goes to show you can get DOF with one of those full-frame camera thingees. Choose the right lens and distance, and voila! And you didn't need pinhole aperture, either. Very nice.
Hi Rob,
Yes and maybe
Yes regarding the numbers, but "better" DoF really depends on what you're after; sometimes a tighter DoF is a blessing, often it's a curse. But yes - basically the bigger the sensor, the smaller the DoF for a given aperture. For a FF & 1.6x CF camera the difference is about 1 stop - so between a 1.3x camera and either of the other two, it's only about 1/2 stop - so not a lot.
I think I'm confused again. According to Canon's site, the 1DsMk3 has a 24x36mm sensor. The EXIF of the image says Colin is shooting a 1DsMk3.
Is that a lighting or a sun? If it's a lighting, then you did a really damn good job on this one. I tried that couple days ago and didn't catch 'em!
Nikon D5000 + Nikkor 105mm f2.8 VR2 Macro: 1/60s f/11 at iso1000
View bigger at PBase; 1340 x 1050px
Nikon D5000 + Nikkor 105mm f2.8 VR2 Macro: 1/60s f/16 at iso1000
View bigger at PBase; 1729 x 1050px
Two quite different looking shots of the same quite tiny spider deep in its web; one shot up and under the web, the second one down through the top. Both with on-camera flash at +1 EC.
My apologies for failing to produce 'something different' for the final day as promised, family stuff cropped up that meant I just never got out as intended and was forced back to the garden again. But hey, it was a visit from my daughter and a few drinks in the pub after treating ourselves to a take-away chinese meal, so no hardship involved
Thanks, that's my lot for July! Phew!
Hey Mark ! haven't you seen this ?
Go to the bottom please ...
And have a look at this gorgous work Michael Hallett
Thanks Antonio.
I missed that thread. Thanks for pointing out.
I keep forgetting to change the title on my posts.
That is the sun peeking through the hole in the center of the storm. I did get one with lightning, but it was an accident and the picture wasn't good enough to post.
The blotchy swirl in the lower left is a raindrop.
Sorry, all, I'm way behind in my final group of comments!!
Killer cats, Kit: where did those eyes come from in the first one? Crazy. I really like the second,
kind of abstract, in a way.
Interesting concept, Rob, and nice execution. I won't say a word about the mind that thought that
shot up. Not a word.
I like the yin/yang teacup: very clean, very interesting, and the yin/yang is nice and subtle, doesn't
overpower the shot.