Edit inspired by Ole's post Haughty and Tall an old one from NOL.
Edit inspired by Ole's post Haughty and Tall an old one from NOL.
Balance and poise. Nice shot, John.
I like her smile and her pose better, John. What is NOL?
New Orleans, I assumed - aren't they big on carnivals?
Unfortunately John, this one has a couple of major attention grabbers in the two lower corners, but these would be tricky to remove now - and difficult to predict/avoid when shooting too.
However, the shot does successfully give a feel of the event and the placement of the subject in the frame is good too.
Hi JohnI love this image.Although the bottom right corner distracts a bit, I really don't care as I'm impressed with the lady and I can feel the event. May be desaturating that corner would help.
I clicked hoping to see the bird variety. Mardi Gras I take it/
This was taken in July 2015, there was a Stiletto Race and it then turned into a block club party. Thanks for commenting.