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Thread: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

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    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    I am a Novice and currently I have Canon 60D with 50mm 1.8 stm and efs 18-135mm kit lens and thinking of upgrading my DSLR and i`m confused between Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D. I want to take landscape, cityscape, night photography and flower photography. So between these 2 which should i go for..and for the lens im thinking of one wide angle and one 24-105mm lens. which lens should i buy first any one of them. Suggest Me Please !!!

  2. #2

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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Hi, Welcome to the forum.
    I use a 6D and for the price on the Canon side 10/10
    I use the 17-40mm as already owned it and find it a great lens on full frame.
    JMO but the 17-40mm would be better for the Land and City for the flowers I just bought an older version of the Tamron 90mm macro although many swear by the Canon 100mm.
    If you have the option though I would go to the local camera store and hold both cameras and look at the lenses after all it's you who needs to be happy with the equipment

  3. #3
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Stick the body you have and buy some better lenses - it is those that will give you better images not another body.

  4. #4

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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    so can u suggest me what kinda lens should i go for !!!

  5. #5

    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Welcome to the forum. As always when someone says that they want to upgrade, my first question is to ask what specifically they want to improve about their photography. Or to put it another way, what do they see as the weak link with their current setup - and I mean that to include, body, lenses and skill level.

    I assume the nub of your question was whether the full frame body was more suitable for landscape work than the crop sensor - would that be correct? For myself I found the greatest benefit of FF body was that the sensor maintained the Fields of View of my wide angle lenses at their prescribed ranges, while the crop sensor will give you a narrower FOV. In the end, for me, I choose to use a crop sensor for some landscape shots and, using a leveled tripod, take a panorama that I can stitch together in Photoshop, LightRoom or Canon's Photostitch which you get for free. For me the benefit of this is that I am not getting a lot of height I would get in a wide angle shot that I don't need, and I am getting a lot more detail and less distortion because I have a lot more pixels using multiple shots of a normal-mild telephoto focal length.

    Apologies to those who have seen one like this before, but it still makes a valid point - it is a 170deg panorama of Victoria Harbour, using a Canon 60D and a 24-105mm L series lens set at 35mm - which, on the cropped 60D's sensor, equates roughly to a 50mm normal FOV. The difference in slope of the ramp on the left is how it is built. This is a big file in its full version - 41MB but I could blow it up to be a very large image.

    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    I have 3x60Ds that I still use despite having a 7D and 5DIII - why... I like the feel of them! They take great photos and, like Robin, I found I got the best results by getting good lenses.

  6. #6

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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Quote Originally Posted by russellsnr View Post
    Hi, Welcome to the forum.
    I use a 6D and for the price on the Canon side 10/10
    I use the 17-40mm as already owned it and find it a great lens on full frame.
    JMO but the 17-40mm would be better for the Land and City for the flowers I just bought an older version of the Tamron 90mm macro although many swear by the Canon 100mm.
    If you have the option though I would go to the local camera store and hold both cameras and look at the lenses after all it's you who needs to be happy with the equipment
    review of canon 100mm macro shows it as a great sharp macro lens... hmmmm need to look at this lens !!

  7. #7

    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Quote Originally Posted by AmitShrestha View Post
    so can u suggest me what kinda lens should i go for !!!
    Well, what is your budget?
    What range of focal lengths do you think you will want to take photos in?
    Do you want to stick to Canon Lenses?
    If you intend to invest in a FF camera one day, then you want to get lenses that are compatible with that format. If you want to stay with Canon, then I would go for the L series lenses.

  8. #8

    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Quote Originally Posted by AmitShrestha View Post
    review of canon 100mm macro shows it as a great sharp macro lens... hmmmm need to look at this lens !!
    The Canon 100mm is a great lens, but it is a fixed focal length. If you want to take the range of images that you described you will probably want either several FFL lenses or a good moderately wide to medium zoom.

    I would suggest looking at either the 17-40mm L or the 24-105mm L lenses. Multiply each of these focal length ranges by 1.6 for the form factor of Canon's APS-C sensor and you have your effective focal lengths.

    You mentioned that you have the 18-135mm lens... is that the STM version? Because I have one and it renders great images.

    So to get back to the very start of the issue. What is it specifically that you want to improve about your images?

  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Trev is exactly right:

    As always when someone says that they want to upgrade, my first question is to ask what specifically they want to improve about their photography. Or to put it another way, what do they see as the weak link with their current setup - and I mean that to include, body, lenses and skill level.
    I am not going to offer specific advice because I don't yet know what it is that you think is holding you back. However, I'll offer a few general ideas:

    --The Canon 100mm macro is a superb lens. I own one. However, how important is macro to you, compared to other things like landscapes?

    --the differences between crop sensor and full frame cameras are often overstated. I know. I own and use both. Yes, FF is better in some respects, but most people in many circumstances won't notice the difference. If you buy FF, you also have to replace both of your lenses.

    --In general, technique (both in shooting and in posptprocessing) are by far the most important factors influencing quality. A long way beyond that comes lenses. In last place is the camera body. I have prints hanging that I have taken with both a 50D (inferior to your current body) and a 5D Mark III. I'll bet you would not be able to tell which is which.

    So, I'd say: step back. Tell us what is most holding you back with your current gear, and what you would most like to be able to do that you can't do, or can't do well, with it. Then we can make specific suggestions.

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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    The Canon 100mm is a great lens, but it is a fixed focal length. If you want to take the range of images that you described you will probably want either several FFL lenses or a good moderately wide to medium zoom.

    I would suggest looking at either the 17-40mm L or the 24-105mm L lenses. Multiply each of these focal length ranges by 1.6 for the form factor of Canon's APS-C sensor and you have your effective focal lengths.

    You mentioned that you have the 18-135mm lens... is that the STM version? Because I have one and it renders great images.

    So to get back to the very start of the issue. What is it specifically that you want to improve about your images?
    Thank You !!!
    Well i am thinking of third party lens aswell tamron, sigma, tokina aswell. Mostly im thinking of landscape, cityscape and a bit of flower photography and for the time being as im still in a learning phase its better to stick with my canon 60D as you guys suggested me above. Will just upgrade my lens. BTW its EF-S 18-135 F3.5-5.6 IS

    Here is my photo which i took with my 50mm 1.8.. Suggestion Please
    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

  11. #11

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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post

    So, I'd say: step back. Tell us what is most holding you back with your current gear, and what you would most like to be able to do that you can't do, or can't do well, with it. Then we can make specific suggestions.
    Well, Now i guess its not the gear, its my poor skill level that i`m not getting the result that i want to .....I need to practice a lot first ..

    Can you suggest me some tips for better my photography skill

    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

  12. #12

    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    I am glad you are thinking more globally about how to improve your photo. I think Dan and I are both singing from the same song book when we say that the question is not what to buy but what benefit do you need?

    I think it is a good idea to show us some of your photos - both your best and the ones you would like to see improved. If you have not already done so I would recommend joining a local camera club or photographic society - they are a great place to learn from.

    So for the image you posted, my first question is why did you take the photo? What specifically did you want to express with the shot? Are you happy you achieved that or is there something you feel is lacking?

    Looking at the image: it is in focus, the verticals are vertical and there is a good sense of foreground with the water and land mass before the bridge. The background behind the bridge is busy, but it IS a city so that is to be expected. There is low cloud, so one must expect some reflection from the city lights on the canopy. I am curious about what is missing on the right - you have shown the left side of the bridge in full but cut off the right side just past the tower.

    I would be tempted to crop the sky about half way between the top of the bridge tower and the top of the photo.

  13. #13

    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Quote Originally Posted by AmitShrestha View Post
    Well, Now i guess its not the gear, its my poor skill level that i`m not getting the result that i want to .....I need to practice a lot first ..

    Can you suggest me some tips for better my photography skill

    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D
    Another night shot in overcast conditions. Again the question: What is there about this particular view that caught your eye or that you wanted to express?
    There does not appear to be anything wrong with your gear - body or lens in either shot that I have seen. I think your tripod was off by about 0.5degree down on the left. Your exposures seem to be ok and the starring on the lights suggests you shot with a fairly closed aperture over some time. I am not assuming a lot of post production in this case.

    Got any close-up stuff?

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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    this is the left part of the bridge

    I think i should i have used the rule of third in this pic rather than placing statue in the center of the pic .

  15. #15

    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Agreed... You need to have your main target draw the eye into the photo. Here it is looking out of the image. So well spotted!

  16. #16

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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    the weather was not so good as it started to rain so had to rush during these photo shoot. these are all from the same day..

    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

  17. #17

    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Quote Originally Posted by AmitShrestha View Post
    the weather was not so good as it started to rain so had to rush during these photo shoot. these are all from the same day..

    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D
    I think again that your image is a little inclined to the right and may also have a bit of distortion - the bridge towers don't seem to be parallel to the tower in the centre. That could be fixed with Canon software or any other PP program. I like this image's use of the rocks in the foreground. Perhaps an improvement would have been to take the shot a bit lower to reduce the amount of water between the immediate foreground ant the bridge's base...

  18. #18

    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Quote Originally Posted by AmitShrestha View Post
    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    this is the left part of the bridge

    I think i should i have used the rule of third in this pic rather than placing statue in the center of the pic .
    ONE possible idea... I played with this very quickly and here is a possible edit of what you got... I tried to eliminate the background clutter and move the image to the left.

    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

  19. #19

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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    I think again that your image is a little inclined to the right and may also have a bit of distortion - the bridge towers don't seem to be parallel to the tower in the centre. That could be fixed with Canon software or any other PP program. I like this image's use of the rocks in the foreground. Perhaps an improvement would have been to take the shot a bit lower to reduce the amount of water between the immediate foreground ant the bridge's base...
    it was a sample shot to check the composition and here is the other one aswell .. as u suggested above i was thinking of that composition to my final image but the bad weather ruined all as it started to rain and had to return back home without getting good result that day.. planning to go there again the next time during good weather..

    Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

  20. #20

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    Re: Canon 7D Mark II or Canon 6D

    thats the difference between a pro and a novice just cropping made the image totally different

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