Earlier, on social media, I wrote a piece about the almost sensory overload that can come from a series of 'things' happening at the same time. One of those things was today (Feb 27) travelling through some of the most beautiful parts of Scotland as I went to visit my dad (about a 2 hour + journey from my home).
On the way home I came through the iconic and famous Glencoe, just for a bit of a change. The west highlands of Scotland were at their majestic best.
This is looking back towards the glen. Just over the edge of the road in the distance it starts to drop quite swiftly into the glen and the mountains rise up like great edifices on both sides. At this point I have exited the glen and am climbing up onto the equally famous Rannoch Moor.
This, if you like, is a celebration of my country. Any comments are welcome.