Thank you Nandakumar! Tony, I will give that tool a try and see what I come up with - thank you for the tip!
Thank you Nandakumar! Tony, I will give that tool a try and see what I come up with - thank you for the tip!
I used to always do it in PS, but more recently ACR has improved and with aid of grid (on Lens Corrections tabs), nowadays I often to it in ACR*. I may still go to PS if there's anything really awkward needing correction where being able to warp individual corners can help sometimes.
* In ACR (in PS CC), it is now easy to try the full automatic, or various types of partial automatic, or reset and manually adjust, alongside other distortion controls. If the aspect does get upset by the other adjustments, there's even a slider to fix that. Ensure you always have the CA and Lens Profile corrections enabled too.
Unless it is a sea horizon, I rarely go by the horizontals, preferring to use the verticals and, as said above, set rotation by what is (or will be after cropping) in the centre of the image - always supposing there is something there to allow that judgement to be made. Then the verticals for leaning.
That said, in #7, you are pretty much 'square on' to the building, so I guess it ought to look like that if it doesn't after rotation and verticals corrections.
Cheers, Dave
Shane I know how you feel and I think it depends on the situation. Sometimes everything needs to be vertical but other times, a partial adjustment can be enough to remove an un-natural or exaggerated look.
Apart from ACR, I sometimes use the little known perspective crop tool in PS. This can be found by right-clicking on the crop tool. You can find tutorials on it if you do a Google search.