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Thread: Number of shots taken with camera

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    Number of shots taken with camera

    Hi everyone:

    A friend has a camera that is not being used and I am interested in purchasing. I thought I read somewhere (here or somewhere else) that there is a way to tell how many shots have been taken with the camera. I cannot find it now, does anyone know the answer.

    Also I am curious how many shots most DSLR or point and shoot for that matter cameras are capable of taking and what happens when they have been overused. What is affected, and is it replaceble, or is the camera done for. I suppose it is specific to the type or model of camera. Are the specs for number of shots a camera can take before it is likely to have problems. If so where would I find them.


  2. #2
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Depends on the camera Wendy; but shutters can go anytime without warning If you get a good quality metal shutter I should think it will be ok on a newish camera, they don't cost a lot but labour costs make it not worth fixing on cheaper camera's.

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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Thanks Arith, but do you know if there is any way to tell how used a used camera actually is with regards to shots taken. I'm sure i read it here, but can't seem to find it. I might have read it on another site or in a book.

  4. #4
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Canon can, but you need specialist software. Don't know about Nikon and some of the software doesn't work.

  5. #5
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    It should come up with the metadata on any of your pictures (digital).

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    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Depends on which camera you are talking about.Here's a link for program that reads shutter count on Canon 40D and I think it will work for the 50D.Not sure about any programs for Nikon cameras.

    Here's a link for shutter life expectancy for Canon DSLRs.

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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    i think if the file name are set to default and not manipulated in a way that i dont know! to deceive you and me , the number is just followed by the prefix( for example: DSC1000 or DCS2000) , its like this with my nikon.
    about when the shutter will go out i should say it depends on your chance and on the camera itself most importantly. high end DSLRs like D3 are tested to 300,000! shutter releases, others like my D700 150,000 ... you should ask the company itself about it if its not provided in technical info . after all used cameras are good as new if they are used properly( question lays that how your friend has used it in the war or a library! )

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Hi Wendy,

    If it is a Nikon DSLR you are considering, the count is visible in the EXIF of any picture, but you will need a better than average EXIF reader.

    I use the "Jeffrey's Exif" one, hit the link I just provided then paste in an image url; e.g. into the top box and click the "View Image at URL" button.

    Now look at the XMP section and scroll down through the alphabetically listed tags until you get to the "I"s, there you should find my count in the tag called Image Number

    Your homework is to tell me that number

    If an image from the camera you are considering is not online, but on your HDD, then (on Jeffrey's page) change the radio button alongside the text box to be "From File" instead of the default "From Web".

    If it is a Canon (traitor), they hide it away (must be guilty so you'll need the software Jim mentioned.

    Hi Omid,

    The problem with the numbers in the image filenames is they can easily be reset and they recycle every 9,999 anyway.

    Cheers both from,

  9. #9

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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Thanks everyone. I have not had much luck so far. The camera is not Nikon or Canon. It's a little Panasonic. The file number of the last shot is 1050911. I hope that is not the number of images shot so far. They told me the camera has not been used much. It was for their kids and they quickly lost interset. They said I could use it, but I kind of like it and am more interested in buying it than borrowing. I've been trying to find the code for what the file numbers represent, but no luck so far.

    Dave: I tried jeffery's Exif and got tons of information, but could not find Image Number for shots from this camera OR my Nikon. It just shows Image width, Image height, and Image quality.
    Is there any chance you could check the image below using your browser and see if you come up with anything different. I'm using IE8 and seeing as I don't get the Image Number for my Nikon files either (I tried on a DNG and a NEF) maybe it is browser related. The shot below was taken in jpg mode. I have some RAW files too if that helps.

    Number of shots taken with camera

  10. #10

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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    does it also work with tiff? my images have no such info as image number

  11. #11
    n0ct's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    All the Panasonic cameras I've dealt with number the pictures in a sequential manner with a three digit folder number (100, 101, 102, etc) and a four digit picture number 0000 to 0999, so based on the picture number you provided, I would estimate 5911 shutter actuations.

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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Quote Originally Posted by n0ct View Post
    All the Panasonic cameras I've dealt with number the pictures in a sequential manner with a three digit folder number (100, 101, 102, etc) and a four digit picture number 0000 to 0999, so based on the picture number you provided, I would estimate 5911 shutter actuations.
    Thanks Sean: If that is correct then it does not sound like too many. I have more than that on my Nikon already and and I have not even had it a year. I only know that based on the files I have in my LR catalouge. I still have not been able to find it in EXIF data.

    Would I be correct in assuming that the folder numbers on the Panasonic change with the resets, or could this camera have been up to 50k or so shots and then reset and this is just the number shot since the last reset?

  13. #13
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    Thanks Sean: If that is correct then it does not sound like too many. I have more than that on my Nikon already and and I have not even had it a year. I only know that based on the files I have in my LR catalouge. I still have not been able to find it in EXIF data.

    Would I be correct in assuming that the folder numbers on the Panasonic change with the resets, or could this camera have been up to 50k or so shots and then reset and this is just the number shot since the last reset?
    Hi Wendy,

    I can't see anything on that image because it is attached here, I cannot access a filename ending jpg, which is what Jeffrey's viewer requires. You should not have that problem from your HDD, but because Panasonic, all bets are off.

    If you all try with my example, you will see what image formats it accepts, I think Tif is one such BUT, if the shot has been processed, this can easily remove the EXIF data.

    Sean is correct about the folder numbering, in fact Nikon do it too, but based on the filename, so I think I am still on folder 102, because as filenames go I am between 20 and 30 thousand, but the EXIF shows my Image Number is a little over 30,000 - but how much, you never did the homework - you're such a lazy girl

    My intreptation of folder 105 is 50,911, not 5911 (because 4 digits as you said).

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 31st July 2010 at 06:42 PM.

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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Wendy,

    If you all try with my example, you will see what image formats it accepts, I think Tif is one such BUT, if the shot has been processed, this can easily remove the EXIF data.
    Ahhh, I see it now 30580. It works on my browser with your image so I guess it's not my browser.

    Sean is correct about the folder numbering, in fact Nikon do it too, but based on the filename, so I think I am still on folder 102, because as filenames go I am between 20 and 30 thousand, but the EXIF shows my Image Number is a little over 30,000 - but how much, you never did the homework - you're such a lazy girl
    Not lazy, just a bit slow. Failed to get the point of the exercise. Nice shot by the way

    My interpretation of folder 105 is 50,911, not 5911 (because 4 digits as you said).
    So is that a lot of shots in the general scheme of Digital cameras. It sounds like a lot. I don't know if I should bother with this one. It's a nice camera though (G1) and looks like it's been well looked after. Kit lens is 14-45 and a 45-200mm used zoom and 20mm brand new prime are also available. All the lenses have either a skylight or polarizing filter. I can get everything including 2 batteries and an 8 GB SD card for $1000 Canadian.
    I like the feel of the camera, and it seems to take fairly good shots. The only thing holding me back is knowing how much use it has had and what the life expectancy is.


  15. #15
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Price brand new is about $650 for a kit, so it seems a little expensive. 30,000 shutter actuations would take me 3 years to do the way I use a camera eg HDR 6 frames =1 photo.

  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    Price brand new is about $650 for a kit, so it seems a little expensive. 30,000 shutter actuations would take me 3 years to do the way I use a camera eg HDR 6 frames =1 photo.
    It has taken me about 15 months !

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR
    It's a nice camera though (G1) and looks like it's been well looked after. Kit lens is 14-45 and a 45-200mm used zoom and 20mm brand new prime are also available. All the lenses have either a skylight or polarizing filter. I can get everything including 2 batteries and an 8 GB SD card for $1000 Canadian.
    Isn't that what Rob or Steve (sorry I forget and can't find a pic to confirm which) have recently been shooting with/raving about?

    If the price were right (and I haven't researched), I wouldn't worry about the shutter count (hope you and I don't regret saying that one day).

    You could achieve about the same focal length range by just getting the Nikon 70-300mm for your D3000 (for less CDN$) I would think.
    Although it gives you a second body.


  17. #17
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera


    I just had another thought on the folder "105".

    I recently put one of my memory cards into a 4/3 camera (a Leica actually); my card already had 100, 101, 102 folders on it and the Leica created a folder 105, I didn't think much of it at the time, but I have just mentally connected the two things - perhaps the shutter count is actually a really low 911 - in line with what your friend said.

    Perhaps 105 is the default starting folder for 4/3 (or Leica/Panasonic) cameras?

    Carragwen/Wirefox might be able to shed some light on this, or anyone else with a 4/3 camera.


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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post

    Isn't that what Rob or Steve (sorry I forget and can't find a pic to confirm which) have recently been shooting with/raving about?
    I think it is Rob you are referring to, but I don't know if this camera is the same as his, there are so many model numbers. This is just a plain G1. I think his is the brand new just out G2.

    If the price were right (and I haven't researched), I wouldn't worry about the shutter count (hope you and I don't regret saying that one day).
    I'm kind of leaning in that direction. I will try to get more information from them, I'd like to talk to the kids and see how much they used it.

    You could achieve about the same focal length range by just getting the Nikon 70-300mm for your D3000 (for less CDN$) I would think.
    Although it gives you a second body.
    Thanks Dave: My reason for even thinking about this camera is to have something for family shots and to just carry around. I'm actually not even interested in the 45-200 zoom, but I'm sure I'll use it . The 20mm lens is brand new and is supposed to be a very good lens. With that lens on this camera it is very compact, light and easy to use. I kind of like that. Actually it's pretty handy even with the kit 14-45 lens.

    I've been looking around a bit and see quite a range in prices for the camera with the kit lens. The cheapest was $499, but chances are it would not be available at that price when getting to the store. I think it is a case of them being cleared out to make room for the new model. I believe the original price was closer to $800 and I still see some advertised for that price.
    The 20mm lens seems to run around $400 and the 45-200mm about the same. So brand new the best I could do would be $1300 and that is without the protective filters for each lens, the extra battery and the 8G scandisk, and a nice little camera bag that fits everything.

    The Nikon will still be the main camera, and I still want to get a macro for it and perhaps even the 70-300mm. I think that would round things out quite nicely. I find the Nikon a bit heavy and awkward for family get togethers and street shots, which I would like to force myself to start doing. (hopefully not getting mugged in the process)

    Generally speaking, what is the depreciation on used camera equipment. I'm free to use this one for awhile, so I can take some time to think about it, but I really don't like having things on loan for too long.


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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post

    I just had another thought on the folder "105".

    I recently put one of my memory cards into a 4/3 camera (a Leica actually); my card already had 100, 101, 102 folders on it and the Leica created a folder 105, I didn't think much of it at the time, but I have just mentally connected the two things - perhaps the shutter count is actually a really low 911 - in line with what your friend said.

    Perhaps 105 is the default starting folder for 4/3 (or Leica/Panasonic) cameras?

    Carragwen/Wirefox might be able to shed some light on this, or anyone else with a 4/3 camera.

    That would be really nice. Hope someone else here can shed some light. In the meantime I am going to see if I can find anything out at the Panasonic site or in some of the reviews.

    Thanks again

  20. #20
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Number of shots taken with camera

    I don't understand this review since my 50D has LW/PH 2250 at best but it measures the 450D at 2200 which is the same as the G1.

    Anyway I like these:

    Just thought LW/PH = 2 x MTF50 x (Picture Height in mm) where I take that to mean sensor height and line parallels at 50% contrast. Yes I'm confused by it but the bigger the number the better. and 4:3 is probably higher sensor.
    Last edited by arith; 1st August 2010 at 01:27 PM.

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