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Thread: Maternity Shoot

  1. #1

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    Maternity Shoot

    I have never done a maternity shoot before. I had never thought about a maternity shoot before.
    This shoot was originally not mine. My wife and her friend (the subject) were going to do this on their own. Then I was invited as an assistant. Then my wife said, how about we take turns shooting different concepts and each of us can assist the other.

    So the day before, I started looking at maternity photos online.

    As we arrived at the beach, 40 mins later than we wanted to (babysitter issues), my wife said, "I think you should just do all the shooting". Gulp

    I tended to shoot very wide with the intention of cropping in post. One tip I picked up in my research was that maternity shots can be challenging to crop. Also that side and backlighting tended to work well.

    Excuses over, here are some of the shots. I cropped to 4x5 ratio as there was a pre-purchased 8x10 frame to fill.

    Any C&C on concept (or lack of), composition, posing, use of light. post processing etc will be greatly appreciated.

    Maternity Shoot
    1/200, f/,. ISO 100
    Silhouettes are popular in the maternity photography world. I'm not really sure about it. If I make her a total silhouette, you can't tell it's her.

    Maternity Shoot
    1/160, f/8 ISO 100, -0.7 TTL Fill Flash on TTL cord
    This one didn't work for me as a 4x5 so is 3x2

    Maternity Shoot
    1/100, f/7.1, ISO 400, -0.7 TTL Fill Flash on TTL cord

    Maternity Shoot
    1/50, f/5.6, ISO 800

    Maternity Shoot
    1/30, f/5, ISO 800
    Last edited by D L; 5th March 2016 at 03:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    I think you were "set up" by your wife in getting to shoot all of the images.

    Let me try to stick with some generic comments.

    The first three images look like they were shot with fill flash, and the last two were not. I assume you were using on-camera flash. Is this correct?

    The first thing that strikes me about the shots is the uncontrolled hair. Tough to handle in a windy place like a beach, but they tend to add an unwelcome distraction into the shots. I'm not sure what to suggest here.

    The suggestion regarding back lighting and side lighting in maternity shots is there to accentuate the baby bump. I'm not convinced that this is necessarily the best advice and those techniques tend to have become a bit too cliche.

    Now for some specifics"

    Image 1 - I think this shot would have worked better as a pure silhouette. A pure full profile shot would have clearly shown who the subject is, but you clearly need to define the features of the subjects head at 90 degrees; the chin, nose and forehead do define who this is to anyone who knows her. Being off 90 degrees doesn't work all that well.

    Image 2 - This is a stronger shot, but your subject is positioned too far to the right of the frame. I suspect you cropped the way you did to include the setting sun in the shot, but this forced you into a bit of an awkward crop.

    Image 3 - Your fill flash is too "hot" and should have been turned back at least a stop to balance the light in the image. If you have your subject look straight ahead so that the iris is more or less centred in the the socket, means you don't get quite as much of the whites of her eyes in and that generally leads to a better image.

    You were a tad to low in the shot as well. Had you shot from a bit higher, you would have kept the land and sky in the background out of the image and that would have resulted in a stronger composition. As it is, that adds a distracting element to the background.

    Image 4 - I'd crop out the whole right side as well as a bit off the top. The sand is all full of foot prints that are distracting, the spit of land does not fit and is distracting as well and the subject is too small in the frame. Flip your crop by 90 degrees and go vertical format / portrait format and I think you will find you have a stronger composition.

    A touch of fill light would have helped this image.

    Image 6 - A bit of fill light would have helped this shot. I have the same comment about the positioning of the eyes as in #3. I think you will find that if you crop out that bit of sky at the top, you will have a stronger image.

  3. #3

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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    Manfred, thanks for all the feedback.

    I'll work on the eye positioning problem next portrait shoot. I need to be more conscious of the direction of the subjects head and my positioning.

    A couple more for the memory for next shoot are:
    1. Sunset shoot = get subjects feet wet more often (waves permitting). This gets them in the smooth, clean sand.
    2. Maternity shoot. Decide for each frame, if the hand furthest from the camera is going to be in the picture or not. So many shots had just fingertips, or a thumb, appearing from nowhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    The first three images look like they were shot with fill flash, and the last two were not. I assume you were using on-camera flash. Is this correct?
    Almost. No fill flash for image #1. Flash was on a short TTL cord extended about 1m off camera, to the left. And bare.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    The first thing that strikes me about the shots is the uncontrolled hair. Tough to handle in a windy place like a beach, but they tend to add an unwelcome distraction into the shots. I'm not sure what to suggest here.
    I don’t think all the hair spray in the world would’ve had any effect on that day. I agree, but I don’t mind the hair too much. A good trade-off to the traditional windy summer evening in Perth would've been a spectacular sunset. Unfortunately not to be on this day.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    The suggestion regarding back lighting and side lighting in maternity shots is there to accentuate the baby bump. I'm not convinced that this is necessarily the best advice and those techniques tend to have become a bit too cliche.
    I tend to agree here as well. I was allowing extra contrast, not usually associated with a feminine portrait, thinking that I needed to define the bump and “look artistic”. I think the frames with less contrast were more successful in general. I’m not a huge fan of the last frame, but included it to see what others opinion on this point were. We used a reflector for a lot of the early shots, which had other issues, but was put away and forgotten. In hindsight, the flash was only useful for the wide panoramic shots where the reflector couldn't be close enough. Once they were done, the reflector should've been out again. shoulda, woulda, coulda.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Image 1 - I think this shot would have worked better as a pure silhouette. A pure full profile shot would have clearly shown who the subject is, but you clearly need to define the features of the subjects head at 90 degrees; the chin, nose and forehead do define who this is to anyone who knows her. Being off 90 degrees doesn't work all that well.
    More like this?
    Maternity Shoot
    1/100, f/8, ISO 100

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Image 4 - I'd crop out the whole right side as well as a bit off the top.
    Subject centred in the frame?
    #4 Re-cropped
    Maternity Shoot

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    I definitely prefer the more recent profile, but find that she is a bit too far to the right in the frame.

    In terms of the crop, I do like this shot better and if you don't want it centred in the frame, clone out a bit of the spit, clean up the sand a bit and dodge the camera right side of the face.

    Maternity Shoot

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    My one suggestion would be to consider simpler, one color clothing, there's no need to direct the viewer's attention to her body. Nice efforts.

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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    My one suggestion would be to consider simpler, one color clothing, there's no need to direct the viewer's attention to her body. Nice efforts.
    Thanks John. Yes, the pattern is distracting.

  7. #7

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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    Hi David , although I can't comment technically as I'm not experienced in shooting portraits, I can say that #2 looks really nice compositionally and I love the warm reflections on the sand. Your wife doesn't seem overlightened to me in that shot and she seems in connection with her baby happily. Very nice indeed

  8. #8
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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by D L View Post
    Thanks John. Yes, the pattern is distracting.

    You said you scoured the web for examples of maternity shots and I wonder if you saw any glamour style shots? I've seen a lot of risqué pregnancy images.

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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Hi David , although I can't comment technically as I'm not experienced in shooting portraits, I can say that #2 looks really nice compositionally and I love the warm reflections on the sand. Your wife doesn't seem overlightened to me in that shot and she seems in connection with her baby happily. Very nice indeed
    Thanks Binnur. My opening post may have been confusing, my wife isn't the subject. She is a good friend of ours.

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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    You said you scoured the web for examples of maternity shots and I wonder if you saw any glamour style shots? I've seen a lot of risqué pregnancy images.
    John, yes I've seen these sorts of images. As far as I'm aware, my wife and our friend didn't discuss that sort of shoot. I think that would've increased the level of difficulty for me, as keeping the subject confident, and not self-conscious, would be quite a skill to master for a first time shoot.

  11. #11
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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by D L View Post
    John, yes I've seen these sorts of images. As far as I'm aware, my wife and our friend didn't discuss that sort of shoot. I think that would've increased the level of difficulty for me, as keeping the subject confident, and not self-conscious, would be quite a skill to master for a first time shoot.
    Most are discreet and rely on the clothing to emphasize glamour.

  12. #12

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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    Ah, sorry about it Well, it is a very nice shot anyway

    Quote Originally Posted by D L View Post
    Thanks Binnur. My opening post may have been confusing, my wife isn't the subject. She is a good friend of ours.

  13. #13

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    Re: Maternity Shoot

    For me the clothing has too heavy colours and overloaded.I would like #6 but with a calm water

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